There are certain rules to follow when assigning case numbers to individual programs, cases, and clients on EIS and ARIES . Some rules are mandated by system programming. Others ensure that records are kept in an orderly, easy-to-follow manner for statewide consistency.
When assigning a case number to an application, staff should not use a case number that has already been assigned to another Primary Information (PI) person. However, the same case number may be used when the adult household members remain the same but another non-PI adult on the case signs and submits an application or review form.
Example when to use same case number:
The household consists of mom, who signed the original application as the PI , dad, and 2 children. Case closes and dad signs and submits another application. The adult household members remain the same. In this situation, since dad signed the application and adult household members are the same, the same case number can be used while mom still remains the PI on the case.
Example when not to use same case number:
Same scenario as above, but dad applies and signs the application and mom is no longer listed in the household. Since the adult household members are not the same, a new case number for dad as the PI is used or assigned.
Using case numbers that have already been assigned to another PI person causes system problems and affects case history information on EIS . Staff must carefully review the Client Profile Maintenance (CLPM) screens in EIS for all adults on the application before determining the correct or appropriate case number to use. In ARIES , staff must search all clients listed on the application on the Person Search page prior to registration to determine the client's involvement on prior or current cases. For Temporary Assistance and SNAP programs, staff may also view the EBPM screen to verify the Primary Payee is the PI person originally assigned to the case number.
Staff may contact Systems Support Help Desk when they encounter a case where a PI person has been changed. Incorrect application registrations that involve PI person changes can be deleted as long as the application has not been processed and does not have benefits issued.
For APA and APA -related Medicaid Couple cases and also Senior Benefits cases, where both PI and Spouse are applying, each will be the PI person on their own APA /ME and Senior Benefit cases.
APA couple cases have special processing steps - see EIS Procedures Manual section 2009-1.
EIS and ARIES case numbers do not expire. Staff may use case numbers that have been previously assigned to a Primary Information (PI ) person regardless of the length of time the case number was inactive.
Systems Support will sometimes recommend staff not use the same case number previously assigned to a Primary Information (PI ) person for certain reasons. In EIS , these case numbers are marked on the CLPM screen. Systems Support make this entry by setting up an alias for the person that reads "DO NOT USE CASE, 55555555." After setting up the alias, the information will appear directly under the client's name on the CLPM screen.
Do not re-use cases CARC to FSO 090 - this is the CARC for Native TANF (CITC ).
The case numbering rules for all DPA programs and the exceptions to these rules are described below. Caseworkers are to adhere to these rules.
No two cash assistance cases can have the same case number regardless of case status. A Permanent Fund Dividend Hold Harmless (PFD-HH ) case is not considered to be a cash assistance case and may have the same case number as a cash assistance case. An IA case is not considered cash in this situation and may have the same case number as an APA Assistance case. However, IA and APA may not exist in the same benefit month.
Example: APA and Temporary Assistance
A household consists of a father, his 16-year-old daughter and his 13-year-old son. The father receives Adult Public Assistance and applies for Temporary Assistance for his son and daughter. The father is the Primary Information (PI ) person for both the Adult Public Assistance and Temporary Assistance cases. The Adult Public Assistance and Temporary Assistance cases will each have their own case number.
Example: Two Temporary Assistance Cases in One Household
A household consists of a mother and her two daughters, age 16 and 20, and the 3-month-old son of the 20-year-old daughter. The mother receives Temporary Assistance for herself and her 16-year-old daughter. The 20-year-old daughter applies for Temporary Assistance for herself and her son. Each Temporary Assistance case will have its own number.
2. MAGI Medicaid
All MAGI cases and applications are processed in ARIES (with the exception of MAGI Incarceration Medicaid). However, if the case cannot be processed timely in ARIES for any reason and it requires a Helpdesk ticket for resolution, the case can be processed in EIS .
MAGI Medicaid cases in ARIES will have case numbers different from MAGI Medicaid in EIS . Medicaid cases in ARIES will be identified with number starting "300XXXXX", while all MAGI cases in EIS share the same unit identifier of "5." MAGI Medicaid cases in EIS will have separate case numbers and will not be combined with any other programs or cases.
MAGI cases in EIS must use a MAGI only case number. Medicaid case numbers that pre-date MAGI cannot be used or re-used for MAGI coverage.
A MAGI applicant had a Family Medicaid case from 2005 - 2010. The Family Medicaid case number cannot be used for the current MAGI application in EIS . A new MAGI case number must be registered.
Closing or Ending MAGI Medicaid to Set-up Medicaid Coverage on New Case
There are situations when the caseworker will close the MAGI Medicaid case or end benefits so the client can be set up with other Medicaid coverage.
The OCS caseworker notifies DOST hss.dpadost@alaska.gov of the situation. DOST will either process the change or notify the appropriate DPA office or team to take appropriate action on the case. The DPA caseworker marks the child out of the household and uses the Absence Reason of "Foster Care." The DPA caseworker then changes Requesting Assistance from YES to NO on the "Program Request" page for the child. If the child is the only person on the MAGI Medicaid case, the caseworker closes the case. The DPA caseworker then contacts the appropriate OCS caseworker so they can establish a new Title IV-E Medicaid case for the child.
In this situation, the case is referred to the Long Term Care office and the LTC caseworker closes the benefits for that client by following the guidance in the ARIES Help Guide.
MAGI Medicaid - PI only case for child
A child can be the PI person on a MAGI Medicaid case in the following situations:
A 19 year-old is living with his aunt and uncle. The aunt applies for Medicaid on his behalf. Register MAGI Medicaid with the 19 year-old as the PI person. Case is processed as Under 21 Medicaid.
There may be other situations where the child can be the PI person on a Medicaid case. Please refer to the appropriate Medicaid Policy Manual.
Pregnant Woman Medicaid and Newborn
A woman receiving Pregnant Woman Medicaid, applying for third trimester TA , will have a separate case number registered for the Temporary Assistance case. The newborn will be added to the mother's Medicaid case.
A woman applied for Pregnant Women Medicaid when she was two months pregnant. Her Medicaid case was opened in EIS since there was a Helpdesk ticket on the ARIES case. In her third trimester she applies for Temporary Assistance. Register the Temporary Assistance on a case number separate from the MAGI Medicaid at the appropriate local district office.
MAGI and APA -related Medicaid for incarcerated individuals are processed in EIS as PI only cases. No other household members are listed on the case. An existing MAGI or APA -related ARIES Medicaid case number can be used for incarceration Medicaid if the individual was the PI person and only household member on the case. As with any MAGI Medicaid cases in EIS , MAGI incarceration Medicaid must not be combined with other cases or programs.
If the incarcerated individual is receiving Medicaid benefits on an ongoing PI only case in ARIES , the caseworker continues to use the ongoing ARIES case to process the new application as a report of change and does not open a new case in EIS .
A Medicaid household consists of a husband, wife, and their child. The husband is reported as incarcerated. The caseworker codes him out of the household with the Absence Reason as "Incarcerated." The caseworker changes Requesting Assistance to NO and selects the living situation as "Penal Institution" in ARIES . There is no existing MAGI case in EIS associated with the incarcerated individual as the PI person only. A MAGI incarceration Medicaid case is registered in EIS using a new case number.
An individual is receiving Medicaid benefits in the Expansion Group category. The individual is the only household member on the ARIES case. The caseworker receives a report the individual is now incarcerated. The caseworker does not open a new case in EIS , but changes the living situation to "Penal Institution" on the ARIES case.
4. Combination MAGI Medicaid, Temporary Assistance, and SNAP in EIS
If MAGI Medicaid case must be processed in EIS , it is registered on a stand-alone case number. MAGI Medicaid may not be combined with Temporary Assistance, SNAP , and any other programs or case numbers.
Example: MAGI Medicaid in EIS and SNAP
A mother applied for Medicaid for herself and her two children. Four months later she submits a SNAP application. Register the SNAP case on a separate case number from the MAGI Medicaid case in EIS at the appropriate district office.
Example: MAGI Medicaid in EIS and SNAP / Temporary Assistance
A household consists of a husband, wife, and 4 children ages 20, 15, 13, and 10. The family is applying for SNAP , Temporary Assistance, and Medicaid for all family members. Register the SNAP and Temporary Assistance on one case number in EIS and the MAGI Medicaid in ARIES . If unable to process MAGI Medicaid in ARIES and there is a Helpdesk ticket, register the case in EIS on a separate case number from the SNAP and Temporary Assistance case.
Example: Two-parent household applying for TANF
A household consists of a husband, wife, and 3 children under the age of 18. The family is applying for Temporary Assistance for their own children and there are no common children in the home. The husband and wife both complete and sign the same TANF application. Register the application for two different TANF cases with each as the respective PI to their children's TANF case. The husband and wife will have separate TANF cases for their own children.
Note: The spouse on each case must be coded as "ST" instead of "IN" on the SEPA screen to allow for deeming of the step-parent's income. The caseworker should also determine if an entry on the NOMD screen is required.
5. Adult Public Assistance Related Medicaid
An individual receiving APA -related Medicaid (SSI , TEFRA , Home and Community Based Waiver, and Nursing Home) will be the PI person on the case and will not participate on any other Medicaid case.
For APA -related Medicaid Couple cases, where both PI and Spouse are applying, each will be the PI on their own Medicaid case.
An exception to this is if a child receiving SSI and Medicaid (ME -AD DC ) turns 18 years old and is eligible for Adult Public Assistance. Register the Adult Public Assistance case to the Medicaid-only case number.
A household consists of a mother and her 2 children. The entire family receives MAGI Medicaid in ARIES . One of the children in the home becomes eligible and begins receiving SSI . The caseworker leaves the SSI child in the household and denied MAGI Medicaid following the guidance in the ARIES Help Guide. Register a new APA -related Medicaid case with the SSI child as the PI person. The mother and the other child continue to receive coverage under the MAGI Medicaid case number.
A household consists of a husband, wife, and 3 children ages 10, 8, and 5. The entire household receives MAGI Medicaid. The five-year-old becomes eligible for the HCB Waiver programs. The case is referred to the Long Term Care office and the LTC caseworker closes benefits for that child by following the guidance in the ARIES Help Guide. An APA -related Medicaid case is registered in EIS with the child as the PI person.
In this scenario, a Long Term Care caseworker registers and authorizes the HCB Waiver Medicaid.
A household consists of a mother and her 2 children, ages 14 and 6. The household receives MAGI Medicaid. Mom recently received a promotion and at their next renewal they will be over income for Medicaid. Mom reports that the 6 year old has disabilities that will last more than 12 months. Determine Transitional Medicaid for the household, including the 6 year old.
6. Combination APA , APA -related Medicaid, and SNAP
Adults receiving APA , APA -related Medicaid, and SNAP may use the same case number. Nursing Home cases where the PI person moves in and out of the Nursing Home continue to use the same case number. If they are applying for APA and TANF , separate case numbers must be used for the two different cash assistance programs for same PI .
For APA and APA -related Medicaid Couple cases, where both PI person and Spouse are applying, each will be the PI on their own APA /ME cases. APA couple case have special processing steps - see EIS Procedures Manual section 2009-1.
Exceptions to this rule include Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-in, SLMB , and cases with a qualifying income trust. Waiver Determination (WD 19) and Disability Examination Medicaid (DE 25) are also stand-alone cases. These cases must have unique case numbers and may not be combined with any existing cash assistance, SNAP case number, or any other Medicaid case.
Note: WD 19 coupons and DE 25 coupons must be issued under separate case numbers. A case that has issued a WD 19 cannot be used to issue a DE 25 coupon and vice versa.
A man receives Adult Public Assistance, SNAP , and APA -related Medicaid. Recently he returned to work and became over income for Adult Public Assistance and SNAP , but is eligible for Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-in. Register a new Medicaid only case number for the Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-in case and close the Adult Public Assistance, SNAP , and Medicaid case.
A woman receives Adult Public Assistance (APA ) and APA -related Medicaid. She reports that she is now pursuing a Home and Community Base (HCB ) Waiver. The woman's care coordinator submits a release of information and requests that a screening coupon (WD 19) be issued. The case is referred to Long Term Care Office. The Long Term Care caseworker reviews for Medicaid eligibility. If potentially eligible, the caseworker authorizes a WD 19 screening coupon under a case number separate from the Medicaid case and immediately closes this screening coupon case. The separate case under which the WD 19 was issued can only be used as a screening coupon case in the future and should not be used for any other reason.
Interim Assistance can be on the same case number with Adult Public Assistance and SNAP .
A 25 year-old man is applying for SSI , Adult Public Assistance, SNAP , and Medicaid. He is eligible for Interim Assistance while waiting for a decision on his application for SSI . He is income eligible for Medicaid in the Expansion Group category. Register one case number for Interim Assistance and SNAP in EIS and a separate case number for MAGI Medicaid in ARIES .
Interim Assistance payments end when Social Security makes its final SSI eligibility decision and notifies the applicant. When this happens, the caseworker will convert Interim Assistance to Adult Public Assistance and close out the MAGI Medicaid case, as APA /ME will be processed on the EIS APA /Medicaid case number. Refer to EIS Procedure 2012-1 for more information.
8. General Assistance, Senior Benefits, Diversion, and PFD Hold-Harmless
Applications for General Assistance (burial, rental, and utilities), Senior Benefits, and Diversions must each be registered under unique case numbers.
PFD Hold Harmless cases which are paid under the GA program type are automatically created from SNAP case that contains hold harmless coding.
If a GA case number has previously been used for PFD-HH , it must not be registered or used again for GA , Senior Benefits, or Diversion. Similarly, GA case numbers that were previously used for GA , Senior Benefits, or Diversion must not be used for PFD Hold Harmless.
Senior Benefit cases are CARC to FSO 030.
9. Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE )
All HPE cases are registered in EIS and assigned to the new Field Services Office (FSO) #015, which is specific to the HPE Program. The assigned Unit number will correlated to the designated Region in which the hospital is located. The Caseload number will reflect the approved hospital that submitted the HPE application. The Full Service Office (FSO ) processing the HPE approved application will be listed in the "FILE LOCATION" field (3 digits) on the CARC screen. This will identify which field office processed the HPE application and has the case file.
Programs |
Allowable Add-on Programs |
Adult Public Assistance | |
Alaska Temporary Assistance | |
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP ) |
General Assistance (rental and utilities) | Stand Alone |
General Assistance (burial) |
Stand Alone |
General Assistance (Senior Benefits) (FSO 030) |
Stand Alone |
General Assistance (Diversion Payments) |
Stand Alone |
Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE ) |
Stand Alone |
Interim Assistance | |
MAGI Medicaid, including Transitional Medicaid |
Stand Alone |
Medicaid (APA -Related for children - SSI , HCB ) |
Stand Alone
Exception: If the child receiving SSI turns 18 and becomes eligible for APA , the APA case may be combined in the same APA -Related Medicaid case number. |
Medicaid (APA -Related for adults - SI, ST, NH, or RC) |
Medicaid (Working Disabled / DW) |
Stand Alone
Note: In the case of a couple where both spouses are disabled, each spouse will have their own Working Disabled Medicaid case number. |
Medicaid (Waiver Determination, when a Disability Determination is not needed/WD 19) |
Stand Alone |
Medicaid (HCB Waiver) |
Medicaid (DE 25 - for Disability Exam and Waiver Determination if both are needed) |
Stand Alone |
Medicaid (SLMB ) |
Stand Alone |
Medicaid (DK 54 and TEFRA ) |
Stand Alone |
Medicaid (NHP, NHR and NH3) |
Assisted Living (ASL) |
Stand Alone |
Medicaid (Breast and Cervical Cancer) |
Stand Alone |
Previous Section | ||