Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA )
Website: https://www.kodiakhealthcare.org
Contact Information: | Jasmine Leiva, (907) 486-1365 |
Support Services Coordinator | |
jasmine.leiva@kodiakhealthcare.org | |
Rosa Skonberg, (907) 486-1370 | |
Workforce Development Manager | |
rosa.skonberg@kodiakhealthcare.org | |
Telephone: | (907) 486-9843 |
Address: | Kodiak Area Native Association |
3449 Rezanof Drive East | |
Kodiak, AK 99615 |
Service Population: Kodiak Area Native Association serves all eligible Native families within the Koniag region, in which the head of the household is an enrolled member of, or is eligible for enrollment in, a federally recognized tribe. In two-parent families, one person must be designated as the head of the household. KANA will serve the family if the head of the two-parent household is enrolled, or is eligible to be enrolled in a federally recognized tribe.
Service Area: KANA serves all communities located in the Koniag region of the Kodiak Island Archipelago. Communities within the archipelago include:
Akhiok, Chiniak, Karluk, Kodiak, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, and Port Lions.
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MC #8 (12/23) |