
Grants are available for client use during the season of issuance and through the end of the following federal fiscal year. HAPHeating Assistance Program is required to return any unused benefit after this specified time frame to the Federal government. 





Policy and Program Development needs to be informed of all refund requests for the following reasons:


  1. To confirm the client is eligible for a benefit refund and re-issuance.
  2. To request refund from the vendor.
  3. To track the pending refund.
  4. To reissue the benefit once Administrative Services has posted the refund to the client's account.


STEP 1: The Caseworker informs Policy and Program Development via hss.dpa.policy@alaska.gov of the refund request and documents the request in a case note. The email to Policy and Program Development needs to include the client's HAPHeating Assistance Program application IDIdentification number and the justification for the refund and re-issuance request.


STEP 2: Policy and Program Development reviews the request, confirms client is eligible for a refund, and requests a refund from the vendor.


STEP 3: Policy and Program Development contacts the vendor and requests refunded payment with the client's name and address referenced, be sent to:


Department of Health

Division of Public Assistance

PO Box 110640

Juneau, AK 99811-0640


STEP 4: The caseworker informs the client the refund has been requested and once received will be issued to their new vendor. The caseworker informs the client the refund and re-issuance process takes approximately 30 days to complete.


STEP 5: The caseworker documents the following:



STEP 6: Administrative Services receives refund from vendor, posts refund to client's account and notifies Policy and Program Development.


STEP 7: Policy or the caseworker input the client's vendor, fuel type, and account information into ECOSEnergy Community Online System and reissues refunded benefit to new vendor. To complete this step caseworkers can refer the SharePoint document How to Process a Benefit Re-issuance for the Current Program Year in ECOS.



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                           2023-02 (09/23)