Step 1 – Community Fuel Points


Heating cost points are assigned to each community in the state, based upon the community's annual fuel cost and climatic conditions. These points are listed in Addendum A.



Step 2 – Dwelling Type


Multiply the community heating cost points by the first factor listed below that describes the household's dwelling:


  1. the factor of 1.4 if the household resides in a mobile home or boat with heated living space of 980 square feet or more;
  2. the factor of 0.4 if the household resides in a recreational vehicle, tent, or pickup camper;
  3. the factor of 0.15 if the household resides in a one-room dwelling such as a studio apartment, hotel, or boarding home;
  4. the factor of 0.35 if the household resides in a mobile home or boat with heated living space less than 980 square feet;
  5. the factor of 0.55 if the household resides in a one-bedroom dwelling, or a one-room house or cabin without bedrooms;
  6. the factor of 1.3 if the household resides in a three-or-more-bedroom single family, duplex, or triplex home;
  7. the factor of 0.7 if the household resides in a two-bedroom unit in an apartment building of four or more attached units or resides in a mobile home with less than 980 square feet of heated living space, regardless of the number of bedrooms;
  8. the factor of 1 if the household resides in a two-bedroom single family home, duplex, or triplex home;
  9. the factor of 0 if the household is applying for a SRHUDSubsidized Rental Housing Utility Deposit.

A loft counts as one bedroom. 

If the household resides in a single residence with one or more households, the heating cost points are reduced to the household's proportionate share of the home heating expenses.


Step 3 – Household Size and Income


Verify each household's gross income for the month prior to application. Verification may be provided through documentary evidence (wage stub, award letter, etc.), DPADivision of Public Assistance and DOLDepartment of Labor records, or impartial third parties such as fee agents, village council representatives, or social service agencies.


Assign each household the following percentage of heating cost points based upon the household's gross monthly income and family size, expressed as a percentage of the Alaska poverty level. The Alaska poverty level figures are included in Addendum E.


If the household's gross monthly income exceeds the maximum allowable FPLFederal Poverty Level, the household is not eligible.


Step 4 – Priority Groups


Add one point to the income adjusted heating cost points if the household includes one or more members 60 years of age or older, legally disabled, or under six years of age.


Step 5 – Heating Points of 2.0 or More


Households must have heating cost points of 2.0 or more to be eligible for HAPHeating Assistance Program. If the household's total points compute to less than 2.0, the household is denied as "Limited Heating Points."


Step 6 – Round Points


Round the final total heating cost points to the nearest whole number. The total heating cost points is limited to 35 points.


Step 7 – Multiply by the Benefit Rate to Determine Household Benefit


ECOSEnergy Community Online System will multiply the final heating points by the benefit rate to determine the amount of the household's heating assistance.


Step 8 – Subsidized Housing Adjustment – If Applicable


Households residing in any type of subsidized housing who are responsible for paying all or a portion of their heating costs directly to a vendor and who also receive a utility allowance as part of their housing cost calculation shall have their total benefit reduced by 50 percent, regardless of their utility allowance amount.



Applicants living in subsidized housing and participating in a step-down program that automatically decreases the rental assistance subsidy paid by the authority after year one, for example AHFCAlaska Housing Finance Corporation, should be treated as a regular application with no utility allowance after the first year.



The amount of the HAPHeating Assistance Program grant may be reduced by the amount of the unpaid balance that the household owes the division for previously awarded heating assistance to which the household was not entitled. The division will use this method of recoupment of overpayments only if the household has not responded to the division's request for repayment or the household defaults on its repayment agreement.


The following examples illustrate how a household's heating assistance benefit is determined using a price per point. For the FYFiscal Year 2024 heating assistance season, this rate is $175 per point.



Example 1



Benefit Calculation:

Step 1.

Community, Fuel

Anchorage, N Gas

5 points

Step 2.


3 bedroom house

5 points x 1.3 = 6.5 points

Step 3.

Household Size, Income

4, $3,500

100.1-125% of poverty = 60%




6.5 points x 0.6 = 3.9 points

Step 4.

Household includes elderly, disabled or child underage 6



Step 5.

Heating points of 2.0 or more


3.9 points

Step 6.

Round points


Rounded = 4 points

Step 7.

Multiply by benefit rate


4 points x $175 = $700

Step 8.

Subsidized Housing Adjustment


$700 x 0.5 = $350


Example 2



Benefit calculation:

Step 1.

Community, Fuel

Fairbanks, Oil

10 points

Step 2.


2 bedroom, 4+unit bldg

10 points x 0.7 = 7 points

Step 3.

Household Size, Income

2, $2,700

125.01-150% of poverty = 50%




7 points x 0.5 = 3.5 points

Step 4.

Household includes elderly, disabled or child underage 6


3.5 points + 1 = 4.5 points

Step 5.

Heating points of 2.0 or more


4.5 points

Step 6.

Round points


Rounded = 5 points

Step 7.

Multiply by benefit rate


5 points x $175 = $875

Step 8.

Subsidized Housing Adjustment


$875 x 1.0 = $875


Example 3



Benefit calculation:

Step 1.

Community, Fuel

Savoonga, Oil

27 points

Step 2.


2 bedroom house

No adjustment

Step 3.

Household Size, Income

5, $2,900

75.01-100% of poverty = 70%




27 points x 0.7 = 18.9 points

Step 4.

Household includes elderly, disabled or child underage 6


18.9 points + 1 = 19.9 points

Step 5.

Heating points of 2.0 or more


19.9 points

Step 6.

Round points


Rounded = 20 points

Step 7.

Multiply by benefit rate


20 points x $175 = $3,500

Step 8.

Subsidized Housing Adjustment


$3,500 x 1.0 = $3,500


Example 4



Benefit calculation:

Step 1.

Community, Fuel

Anchorage, N Gas

5 points

Step 2.


Studio apartment

5 points x 0.15 = 0.75 points

Step 3.

Household Size, Income

1, $1,900

125.01-150% of poverty = 50%




.75 points x 0.5 = 0.375 points

Step 4.

Household includes elderly, disabled or child underage 6



Step 5.

Heating points of 2.0 or more


0.375 points = less than 1 point

Step 6.

Round points



Step 7.

Multiply by benefit rate



Step 8.

Subsidized Housing Adjustment

n/a n/a




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2023-03 (12/23)