1. DPADivision of Public Assistance will not dictate whether an agency may or may not retain staff. DPADivision of Public Assistance does retain the authority to deny an agency's employee to provide Work Services.
  2. Staff who engage in a breach of ethical conduct must be reported, in writing, to WSTA@alaska.gov within 24 hours of management's knowledge of misconduct. The report must include a description of the breach and the disciplinary actions taken by the Work Services provider. These protocols must be outlined in the provider's Internal Procedures Manual.


Breaches of ethical conduct are described in the Admin MS 100-10 and http://www.law.state.ak.us/doclibrary/ethics.html.


1018-8 b.      NON-COMPLIANCE


The WSPWork Services Provider is considered non-compliant if it does not substantially meet the conditions, terms, and expectations of the project, including but not limited to failure to:



In the event that the State seeks to terminate this project for failure of the WSPWork Services Provider to perform any of the services listed herein, the following procedures will be followed.


The State will send a letter, certified mail, stating non-compliance issues or deficiencies. The letter will state the remedies that are required and the period of time that the State will give the WSPWork Services Provider to perform these remedies, as well as the consequences of failure to correct these issues or deficiencies. The State may elect to hold the WSPWork Services Provider responsible for excess costs of obtaining services elsewhere. Disputes will be handled in accordance with procurement guidelines.



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