Work Verification accuracy results will be reviewed during each provider's Work Services Quality Review (WSQR). If a provider's Work Verification and CMSCase Management System Data Entry category demonstrates an accuracy rate of 79% or lower during a review period that provider will complete the process of the monthly performance confirmation until their WSQRWork Services Quality Review demonstrates that their performance exceeds this standard.


The Program Integrity and Analysis / Research and Analysis (PI&A / R&A) section identifies a sample of families from each provider's participant listing who have met the participation rate. The selection parameters are twenty percent (20%) of the agency caseload for each provider with a minimum of five (5) cases and a maximum of 30 cases. The selection will be weighted in accordance with the overall family type, e.g. All Family or Two-Parent families on the State of Alaska Temporary Assistance caseload.


  1. Work Services Providers are notified by email when the monthly performance reports are available.
  2. The Work Services Participant Listing Data Dictionary can be found at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPartListDataDict.pdf
  3. Follow the procedures in MS 1003.



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