Caseload summaries are available both weekly and monthly through Luminist. Weekly reports are used to manage caseloads and reference new referrals. Monthly reports are used to confirm that work activities have been accurately entered and penalties are set correctly and within time frames. These reports provide a current listing of clients who have been referred to a Work Services Provider and the staff member to whom the case is assigned. The report provides basic case and client status information which allows the Case Manager and Project Manager to plan their work.


  1. Luminist is accessible through the DPAweb at the following location: https://luminist.state.ak.us/luminist/luminist.html
  2. The Work Services Caseload Report Data Dictionary provides detailed descriptions of each element of the report. It can be accessed at the following link: http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSCsldRptDataDict.pdf
  3. The Caseload Summary Report is primarily used as a caseload management tool. There are no DPADivision of Public Assistance reporting requirements associated with this report.



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