The six Work Services performance metrics are posted by area, provider, and DPADivision of Public Assistance regional office on the DPAweb on a monthly basis. This report shows the percentages by which a Work Services provider met the expected performance target, based on the number of possibles for the month. It is formatted by case managers related to a specific CARCCase Assignment Record Control.


  1. The Performance by Case Manager report is available on the DPAweb at the following link http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPerfMeasXCMReport.pdf. More information on grievance reporting, see MS 1018-6.
  2. For more information on the performance definitions, reference http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/Per_Meas_Definitions.pdf.
  3. There are no reporting requirements attached to the Performance by Case Manager Report. This report can be accessed through the DPAweb at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPerfMeasXCMReport.pdf.



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