A penalty may end or be deleted if:



Work Activity Exemption reasons are listed in ATAP MS 730-2.


Good Cause criteria are listed in ATAP MS 723-1. If a client meets one or more of the good cause criteria, a penalty should not be requested. If the Good Cause criteria is identified after the penalty has been imposed, the penalty must be ended back to the date that good cause began.


Clients can and should be encouraged to participate at their highest capacity even if they meet exemption criteria. Activities must be developed to ensure the client will be successful with the plan. Once an activity has been agreed to on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, failure to complete the activity may result in a WAWork Activity penalty, even if exemption criteria exists. A FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan may be amended at any time to remove or change an activity that is not appropriate or achievable under the current circumstances.



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    MC #2 (12/18)