If good cause does not exist, the case manager will include in their request for a penalty that good cause has been considered and how the determination was made that good cause does not exist.


Example CLNOClient Notes:

Kaylee hasn't attended Job Club and hasn't engaged in Work Search as per her FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan since 11/5. The case manager made four attempts to call Kaylee last week (see CLNOClient Notess), left messages, and didn't hear back from her. I left a message that I would stop by Kaylee's home and meet with her on 11/26. She told that she doesn't want to look for work right now. We discussed program requirements and explored her options, she says she understands she will be penalized if she doesn't participate in activities and doesn't have good cause. Requested penalty as per HowWe Process Management Guide procedure.


Example CANO:

Kaylee hasn't attended Job Club and hasn't engaged in Work Search as per her FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan since 11/5. Did home visit 11/26 and no good cause was found. Requesting penalty set and sent email 11/27.


There may be times that the client is penalized and later presents good cause information to the eligibility caseworker. The eligibility caseworker will CANOCase Note the information received and their determination of whether the criteria have been met or take action on the case. Good cause requirements can be found in ATAP MS 723-1 C.


If the case manager disagrees with the eligibility caseworker's decision, they will discuss, as appropriate, with their supervisor and if necessary, seek guidance from WSTA@alaska.gov.



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