Conduct a business needs tour:

The purpose of the second meeting between the JD and the potential employer is to conduct a business needs assessment, carried through what is termed a “tour.”  The primary focus of the tour is to identify any unmet needs of the business that are a match to the job seekers skills and contributions. 

Prepare for the tour:

The JD gathers and reviews initial notes from:

Complete the tour:

During the tour the JD is watching and learning about a wide variety of factors through observing and talking with current staff members.  The tour gives the JD an opportunity to consider whether the business and the job seeker are a match on multiple levels.


Document completion of tour in the NJD Contact Log and in CMS. CMS notes should be brief, and not detailed of what was learned during the visit.

Record notes during the business tour or as soon as possible following completion of the tour. These notes are not recorded in CMS, but are filed in the job seeker’s file.

Offer to meet with the employer as part of the business tour or in a separate meeting to discuss the findings of the tour.

Business needs tour follow-up:

The JD completes the tour by recording information into notes that translate to potential business or organizational needs. That information must be confirmed by the employer as accurate. The focus of the follow-up is not on matching business needs with the job seeker’s tasks/skills, but solely on the employer and needs identified. In addition to the informal notes, the JD may choose to use the Business Needs Assessment  and Job Seeker Match Checklist as a tool to compare with the job seeker’s conditions, preferences, contributions and tasks, from the EPM (see Business Needs Assessment and Job Seeker Match Checklist form and sample).

Meet with the employer to share what is learned through the business needs tour, and check for accuracy of information.

Share with the employer, as is deemed appropriate, potential matching of business needs to the tasks/skills of the job seeker.

Confirm a follow-up meeting with the potential employer should they express continued interest in moving forward with job negotiation.


Document follow-up meeting with employer in the NJD Contact Log and CMS. Again, keep notes brief, without detail of the meeting. Note outcome of meeting and plan for any future contact.


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