Research is followed up by personal contact with potential employers. This involves an introduction to NJD. It is necessary to determine the interest of employers to engage them in the job negotiation process.

Note on documentation with employers: It is required that all contacts (i.e., mail, e-mail, phone, in-person) with potential employers be recorded in the Negotiated Job Development Contact Log (see NJD Contact Log form and sample) and transferred at a minimum of a weekly basis to CMS as a client note (see CMS note samples). The JD in responsible for ensuring the following in CMS:

Weekly activities are recorded as individual entries or may be summarized.

Client participation in employer contact is recorded as individual entry.

If no activity occurs during a week, the reason is recorded as an entry.


The first contact with a potential employer is made by the “door opener” identified in the Employment Plan. The Door Opener may be an FST member or the JD. The first contact should be made concurrently to multiple employers, rather than one employer at a time. It is the responsibility of the JD to ensure that the Door Opener is prepared for the first contact with sample language (see Negotiated Job Development Dos and Don’ts) and confirms the outcome and plan for follow-up, future contact by the JD.


All contacts (i.e., mail, e-mail, phone, in-person) with potential employers must be recorded in the NJD Contact Log and in CMS by the JD (see NJD Contact Log form, sample and CMS notes). The JD begins use of the NJD Contact Log and CMS documentation from the point of the first contact between the Door Opener and any potential employer.

If the employer appears interested in learning about NJD then the JD follows up by preparing for a formal introductory meeting.


The JD makes initial personal contact with the employer. It is important to make the contact at a convenient time for the employer (ex: avoid busy hours).

1.     Review essentials of the first employer meeting:

2.     During the initial contact the JD provides the employer a brief description (see Introductory Meeting sample language) of the purpose of the first meeting, the role of the JD, as well as timeframe for meeting (typically no more than 30-45 minutes). The JD also confirms that the goal is to meet with the business representative who is responsible for hiring decision (not HR).

3.     Request an introductory meeting with potential employer:

4.     The JD requests an initial meeting with the employer to discuss NJD and FF (see Introductory Meeting sample language). In requesting the meeting, the JD ensures that the employer understands the basics of the negotiation process (see NJD Study Guide and training materials).


Should the employer turn down the meeting, the JD is encouraged to request future contact as long as the employer expresses some level of interest in future collaboration.


Confirm a meeting time and place that is convenient for the employer. Target a meeting time at the earliest possible date. Send a confirmation letter or e-mail to the employer, with a follow-up reminder if appropriate.  When confirming the meeting, consider:

1.     Date

2.     Time

3.     Place (space with some privacy at employment setting) 

4.     Best way to confirm meeting based on employer preference (i.e., phone, e-mail, regular postal service)

5.     Ensure contact information is accurate and confirm how employer prefers to be addressed, including position title


Document the first phone contact between the JD and each employer in the NJD Contact Log and CMS.

1027-5 E.       FIRST CONTACT FOLLOW-UP:  

After the introductory meeting is arranged, the JD ensures that all notes are recorded based on the initial conversation between the JD and the employer, particularly focusing on business/organization needs.

Record only factual information, using non-evaluative statements. In addition, record questions that may need to be clarified during the introductory meeting. These specific notes are not recorded in CMS, but are filed with the job seeker’s information.

At the JD’s discretion, contact the job seeker as to the progress of contacts with potential employers, including plans for future meetings. Be factual, positive and prudent about what is shared with the job seeker, keeping in mind the unpredictable nature of the negotiation process.


Document all contacts with the job seeker during the job negotiation phase in the NJD Contact Log and CMS notes.


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