Determine level of follow-up support:

All negotiated job positions require some level and frequency of support, based on the employment situation and the life circumstances experienced by the job seeker. It is the responsibility of the JD to determine the level of support needed and to move forward to create a plan and ensure follow-up.

Create a follow-up plan:

The JD writes a follow-up plan using input from meetings with the employer as well as information gleaned from visiting or meeting with the newly hired employee and the FST.


Document the plan for follow-up and any changes to the plan in CMS.

Determine frequency of follow-up at employment site:

Frequency of follow-up will be determined by the uniqueness of the placement and conditions or life circumstances of the new employee. It is recommended that an initial follow-up meeting take place within 2 weeks following the first day of work. Consider the following schedule for follow-up visits as an example, keep

Initial meeting – 2 weeks

Second meeting – 6 weeks

Third meeting – 3 months

Fourth meeting – 6 months

Fifth meeting – 12 months


Document all contacts with the employer and job seeker that focus on attempts to arrange follow-up meetings with brief description of issues in CMS. DO NOT document sensitive issues.

Plan duration of follow-up with employers:

The duration of follow-up may vary. Most follow-up will be concluded within 6 months of the new hire, but more typical will be 12 months to ensure job retention. Those jobs that involve subsidy funding may exceed the 12 month period.

Develop agendas of follow-up meetings with employers:

The topics or issues that may be discussed at meetings with employers and new employees may be quite varied. It is important that the JD follow-up on:

Progress toward training plans (if appropriate)

Progress in meeting negotiated job description tasks

Development of social relationships/goodness of fit of individual with culture of work setting

Work schedule and any adjustments needed

Successes to be noted

Any changes to agreement desired and necessary for discussion and/or further negotiation


It is important that the JD facilitate the employer and employee in resolving issues and addressing needs in the workplace. Action plans that result from meetings must revolve around the responsible parties, specifically, the employer and employee.

Follow-up with the new employee:

Post-hire contact with the employee will vary greatly. Support to new employees provided by the JD and FST will likely fall between 6 and 12 months post-hire. Follow-up may continue as long as the client continues to be an ATAP-Work Services recipient, or the client is eligible for post-TA.


Document all follow-up contact between the JD and the employer, the job seeker and the FST in the log and CMS.


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