When clients move from one service provision area of another, it is important that work services be provided without interruption.   In the past Work Services providers have had to wait for the client to report their move to DPA and for the DPA office to act on a client report of change and assign a case to the new provider.

This procedure empowers Work Service providers to act promptly in serving our clients.

1018-3 A.      DEFINITIONS

For the purpose of this procedure, original case manager refers to the Case Manager responsible for the client prior to the report of change.

For the purpose of this procedure, new provider refers to the case management agency into whose area the client is moving.

CARC refers to the Case Manager Information on the CMS Summary Screen and to Case Record Control Screen in EIS

1018-3 B.       PROCESS

Two events commonly occur. The process for each is listed below:

Event 1: Client tells the original case manager that they are moving


1.     The Case Manager has client complete change form in the Case Manager’s office and gives to DPA.

2.     The Case Manager contacts the new provider in the area the client is moving and coordinates a meeting.

3.     The new provider meets with the client and CARCs the client to themselves.  (Has client complete change form if not already done.)

4.     The new provider contacts original Case Manager to notify them of the CARC change and requests the transfer of the case management file.

5.     The new provider enters a CANO of the transfer of case management responsibility and sets an alert for the DPA Eligibility Technician.

Event 2: Client appears unannounced at new provider’s office


1.     The new provider has the client complete change form and forward it to DPA Eligibility office.

2.     The new provider CARCs case to themselves.

3.     The new provider contacts the original Case Manager to notify them of the change and requests the transfer of the case management file.

4.     The new provider enters a CANO of the transfer of case management responsibility and sets an alert for the Eligibility Technician.


Until the CARC is changed, responsibility for service provision belongs to the original case manager.

Example:  Sample CANO

Subject:  Transfer of Client to New Work Services Provider
Comments:  John Doe has reported that he has moved into the Work Services area of the Fairbanks Department of Labor.  His GEN 55 has been completed and forwarded to the DPA Eligibility office.  s to questions and if you don’t know the answer, be sure to find the correct answer and follow-up with the client at a later date.

5.     Do what you say you are going to do on behalf of the client.

6.     Document the home visit and what transpired.


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