Families First Facilitators (FFFs) are DPA employees who are trained in all aspects of the FF service delivery model. Their role is primarily as a consultant. Their support and services may be requested at any point to clarify stages of the FF continuum of services from referral to the FF track to employment and client follow-up support, post-employment. The FFF may also be a key resource when the Family Support Team (FST) has exhausted traditional case management efforts and is need of additional guidance, or once the family’s circumstances have stabilized and the FST is ready to recommend pursuit of employment options. The FFF will seek out best practices and work with case managers who may need to develop new strategies with complex clients. FFFs are not case managers, rather, their role is to promote community interagency partnerships and support case managers by assisting with the facilitation of collaboration efforts, when necessary. FFFs will monitor and support the changes in service delivery track, referral for Social Security screening and Discovery as appropriate.


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