1. A case manager has the responsibility is engage with each client and to show due diligence in exploring Good Cause.  Case managers will:

    1. Demonstrate multiple attempts to contact clients. Communication can be phone calls, messages (text), home visits and letters or any other form of communication.

    2. Consider to drop by a client’s home to follow-up on a client’s progress.  That type of visit may help identify circumstances of which the case manager is otherwise unaware of.

    3. Offer a meeting location that is comfortable and appropriate location for the discussion.  Consider the office, the client’s home or a neutral location within easy access for the client.

    4. Be considerate of the client’s schedule when determining an appropriate meeting time.

    5. Develop a rapport with the client rather than relying on penalties as consequences. 

  2. Maintaining Contact

  1. Negotiate with the client to determine how they will stay in touch. 

  2. Follow-up with the client on the progress of an activity, it is the case manager’s responsibility to follow-up with the client should the client forget or not report their progress. 

Example Letter:   

Dear Katherine,I’m sorry I was not available to meet with you when you were at the We Care office on July 17th.  I understand that you were using a friend’s vehicle and had to return with it.  I noticed that _______ (changed in your household).  I’d like to talk to you about how that may affect your plans with your FSSP goals.
I would like to set up a time to meet.  My work hours are 7:30 – 4:00 Monday – Friday.  I am available to meet somewhere other than the office if that would be better for you.  We could meet at your home or somewhere that is close and convenient for you.  
I’m looking forward to meeting you and learning more about your family and your goals.  Please call me at 123-4567.  

Thank you,

  1. Determining Can’t vs. Won’t

Case managers must document engagement attempts (WSPM Section 1006).    The case manager must determine whether any failure to engage is an indication of Good Cause or if the client is choosing not to participate. To determine if the client cannot or will not engage the case manager can:

    1. Ask the client specifically if they are experiencing anything which is preventing them from attending appointments or completing an activity.

    2. Recognize and work with the client on their level.

    3. Determine if the client may benefit or qualify for Social Security.

    4. Acknowledge the client’s ability to communicate, current challenges and their efforts to communicate.

    5. Schedule a home visit to ask what the client’s barriers may be.

    6. Inform clients of the possible outcomes of not participating. Explain Good Cause and Exemptions to determine if there might be other issues which have not been shared.

    7. All families must be informed of the penalties for not meeting program requirements and the consequences.

    8. All efforts need to be documented.

When clients are at their greatest need is when the case manager needs to make extra effort to find the best communication style and process.


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