Urgent Consultation Requests are conducted when issues arise that directly affect the primary needs of the family and will limit the clients’ ability to participate in Work First activities for a minimum of 90 days. 

The Work First case manager assigned at the time of a precipitating incident(s) will be responsible for offering stabilizing case management and supportive services until the track change has been approved and completed.

The Work First case manager will seek assistance from their identified Program chain of command to identify stabilizing services when customary services do not meet the emergent needs of the family. If emergency services cannot be identified by their leadership they may contact the Families First Facilitator for further assistance identifying a stabilizing plan.

1005-4 A.       SITUATIONS

Few situations will be considered an urgent by the FFF and detailed information must be provided on the Consultation Request form to establish urgent status for a client. These incidences may include but are not limited to:

1.     Death of an immediate family member, which prevents the client from participating in Work Activities.

2.     Office of Children Services involvement that mandates immediate restructuring of the parents’ activities to support or prevent removal of any children in the home that are identified as household members on the ATAP case.

3.     Documented Legal issues that prevent less than 25 hours of participation in Work First activities.


Custody and/or divorce and financial issues like bankruptcy or small claims would not justify an urgent Consultation Request.

4.     Family safety is jeopardized by participation in Work First activities (i.e. domestic violence).

5.     Significant medical issues affecting a household member that will severely impact the adults’ participation for more than 90 days (i.e. a household member is hospitalized for medical, mental, health or addiction treatment).


Pregnancy and baby exemption are not justification for a track transfer unless a high risk situation has been documented and will continue to incapacitate the participant for 90 days or more, post-partum.

6.     Immediate incarceration of an adult household member who is required to participate in work activities. Incarceration must be lasting more than 30 days and does not fall under good cause.

1005-4 B.       DOCUMENTATION

The following items must be included in an urgent Consultation Request but are not limited to:

1.     CLNO’s/CANO’s documenting the crisis that mandates an urgent service delivery track change.

2.     CLNO’s/CANO’s of existing documentation that corroborates client’s crisis situation.

3.     Identify all necessary supports that need to be in place to meet the family’s emergent and ongoing needs created by the crisis.

4.     Next scheduled Family Quarterly Progress report and CLNO of most recent Family Quarterly Progress report, if applicable.


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