1003-6           JOB DEVELOPMENT

An array of services provided to clients who are seeking or preparing for employment to allow clients to get, retain, and be successful in work.  Services are provided directly to clients, and through networking and collaborations with local employers and other activities, to identify employer needs and negotiate placements for job seekers.  Job Development Services include:

    1. Job Matching:  The assessment of interests, knowledge, skills and abilities of an individual job seeker and comparison with an employer’s identified needs and negotiate placement in paid or unpaid work.

    2. Job Referrals:  Providing a job seeker with information on specific job opportunities including employer contact information, hiring practices, description of work, and other information to allow the job seeker to apply for employment. Job referral may include contacting the employer with or on behalf of the job seeker to assist in the referral and application for employment.

    3. Job Placement:  Placement of a job seeker in a specific job vacancy through working closely with both job seeker and employer. Services often include following up with both the newly hired worker and the employer to ensure the success of the placement.  For example, the Job Developer may identify employee and employer supports needed to ensure the worker maintains and advances in their employment setting.

    4. Individualized Job Development:  The range of Job Development services targeted to a specific identified job seeker’s interests and knowledge, skills, abilities, strengths and challenges to provide for negotiated placement.  Includes identification and arrangement for the supports the job seeker needs to be successful in employment placement and retention.

    5. Job Coaching and Intensive Job Coaching activities as needed.

Job Development services may be used to support Negotiated Job Development.  (WSPM Section 1013)

More rigorous job coaching to meet the needs of complex situations. It includes the job coaching range of supports for job seekers with multiple life complexities and challenges, including those job seekers who are participating in Families First.

      1. Additional supports include increased one-on-one coaching;

      2. Practicing workplace skills,

      3. Problem-solving challenges the job seeker has encountered in the past or anticipates they may encounter.  The Job Coach/Job Developer acts as an advocate to support job seeker success in employment while helping employers to meet their needs as well. 

    1. Job Developers activities include (but are not limited to):

    1. Communicate using honest, respectful, and positive messages with employers around the reality and the advantages of hiring a particular job seeker;

    2. Create positive professional relationship and networks with local employers and their client base;

    3. At the forefront of the community employment needs, Job Developers look everywhere to see what is available and make it work for their job seekers;

    4. Identify and meet with available community resources that support employers, employees and economic development, for example Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, Small Business Development Centers, Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development, United Way, etc.;

    5. Establish a communication schedule to maintain contact with job seekers, resources and employers that expands networks and enhances relationships.

    6. Match job seekers with appropriate employment opportunities based on the job-seekers interests, skills, abilities and the employer’s needs;

    7. Work flexible and/or non-traditional hours as needed to meet the needs of job seekers and employers; meeting them at the times that work best for job seekers and employers where they live and work;

    8. Take focused time to “market” job seekers to employers to advocate for job seekers and enlighten employers to the benefits of hiring Temporary Assistance job seekers;

    9. Rapidly responds to employer requests for potential employees by referring matched job-seekers;

    10. Rapidly responds to job seekers by immediately referring them to employers and addressing employment support needs;

    11. Stay abreast of current trends, techniques and tools that continuously enhance services to customers;

    12. Provide immediate job coaching when the opportunity presents itself.

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