1016-6           EXIT STAFFING

If a family does not want an extension, the case manager will provide an “Exit Staffing” that focuses on next steps for the family, and local resources available to support them as they exit ATAP.

The Exit plan will be developed and identify the client’s plan for self-sufficiency, and document problem solving and strategizing, including referrals.  Access to transitional benefits (PASS II, Family Medicaid and Post-Temporary Assistance) should be identified and included. Referrals to other resources and agencies, including contact information, should also be identified to support the client in maintaining their self-sufficiency. 

A discussion of extension criteria should also be included if there are still dependent children in the home, to allow the family to know under what circumstances they could reapply for assistance and possibly be eligible for extension if needed.

(Exit Staffings are defined at ATAP Manual Section 701-9.)


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