The Weekly Routines/Calendar is a tool used as part of the Employability Assessment to provide the CM in depth information about the FF client’s daily routines. The Weekly Routines/Calendar is developed jointly between the CM and the FF client using conversational interviewing. The Calendar goes beyond the FF client’s daily appointments with providers and identifies how the FF client spends his/her day. Information gathered includes information about the client’s daily challenges and complexities, competing priorities and activities, service needs, and best times to expect good follow through and performance.

There is no specific form to complete the Weekly Routines/Calendar. The CM may create a list of the FF client’s routines, or may develop a table of each day of the week that identifies all of the activities the FF client carries out each day of the week.

1007-6  A.      Critical Elements of the Weekly Routines/Calendar

• It is created as a collaborative conversation between the CM and the FF client. The Calendar is not a form to be handed to the FF client to complete independently.

• Conversation surrounding the Calendar goes beyond identifying the FF client’s regular service appointments.

• Identifies all daily activities in detail that the FF client carries out each week. Time explored may be discussed hour-by-hour, or in time segments such as morning, mid-morning, mid-day, afternoon, and evening.

• Enhances and augments information already identified in the EPI.

1007-6  B.       Documentation and Filing

• The CM must document the completion of the Weekly Routines/Calendar in a CLNO in CMS.

• The CM must ensure the Weekly Routines/Calendar is filed in the FF client’s hard copy file.

• The CM must update the Weekly Routines/Calendar periodically (at least annually) as the FF client’s situation changes.

• The CM must ensure that additional information learned through developing the Weekly Routines/Calendar is transferred and incorporated into the content of the Employability Assessment.

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MC #4 (03/15)