The Family Network is a tool used as part of the Employability Assessment to identify the family’s typical routines and obligations. The Family Network is developed jointly between the CM and the Families First client and takes place through conversational interviewing. Identifying the people that the client interacts with on a regular basis reveals the complexities they face, as well as potential Family Support Team (FST) members. The Family Network identifies more than the service providers the clients engages with, but also includes family members, friends, neighbors, advocates and natural supports.

There is no specific form to complete the Family Network. The CM may create a list or a diagram (see WSPM Attachments Section XII) that provides the FF client a way to visualize the people who are part of their regular routines.

1007-5 A.      Critical Elements of the Family Network

• It is created as a collaborative conversation between the CM and the FF client. The Family Network is not a form to be handed to the FF client to complete independently.

• Conversation surrounding the Network goes beyond identifying the FF client’s service providers and includes family members, neighbors, friends and others.

• Identifies any individual which the FF client has regular contact or obligation to meet with on a regular basis, regardless of whether the client considers them as “supportive.”

• Enhances and augments information already identified in the EPI.

1007-5 B.      Documentation and Filing

• The CM must document that the Family Network has been completed as a CLNO in CMS.

• The CM must ensure the Family Network is filed in the FF client’s hard copy file.

• The CM must update the Family Network periodically (at least annually) as the FF client’s situation changes.

The CM must ensure that additional information learned through developing the Family Network is transferred and incorporated into the content of the Employability Assessment.

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