The Employability Assessment is the documentation of a conversation between the client and case manager in which they discuss, at a minimum, the answers provided on the EPI. The completion of this process supports appropriate Family Self-Sufficiency Planning. The Employability Assessment must include documentation of conversations about work history, education and other characteristics affecting their ability to work. (ATAP Manual 719-2)


This assessment must be completed within 30 days of the household’s ATAP benefit determination. To emphasize rapid engagement DPA expects work services providers to engage clients immediately upon referral. There is no requirement to complete the form again if the case remains open.  

It may be beneficial to update the EPI as part of the quarterly or annual review to identify changes or progress. If the client’s case closes and reopens, they will need to complete a new Employability Assessment (including the EPI).The EPI has been provided as a tool to help gather the information necessary for a complete Employability Assessment. 

Additional follow-up questions generated during the conversation identify strengths and challenges while building rapport between the client and case manager. Documentation of the Employability Assessment in CLNO will provide comprehensive detail of the discussions and information gathered.

    1. Employability Assessments Must Include

The following topics, among others, should be included in all Employability Assessments:

      1. Jobs the client enjoyed the most or least, and details as to the reason jobs ended.

      2. Client’s life plan including long term goals for self-sufficiency.

      3. Level of education and training received to determine whether additional training activities should be included on the plan such as General Education Diploma (GED) preparation or other short-term training options.  If past training ended without completion, the reason. 

      4. Health of the children, chronic illnesses, behavioral or developmental issues impacting child care or school attendance and the client’s ability to attend work on a regular basis.

      5. Exploration of the client’s support system that will assist in determining whether friends or family can be there to assist the family if issues should arise or whether a lack of support is impeding progress.

      6. Safe and affordable housing, temporary living arrangements or homelessness and whether an eviction is forthcoming.

      7. Transportation issues including the condition of their vehicle, whether auto insurance is maintained, who are the legal drivers in the home, whether the client has other dependable resources available for rides, proximity to public transportation, and whether the client is able to coordinate their transportation needs with available routes.

      8. Legal issues that may affect the client’s ability to find and maintain work and whether CWE activities can be coordinated with court ordered community service.  Legal issues also include the existence or need for protective orders, and court ordered release conditions.

      9. Existing or developing services plans with community or governmental organizations should be included on the plan to ensure that work with multiple agencies can be coordinated and planned for accordingly.

    1. Using the Employability Assessment to Develop the FSSP

Explore the client’s vision, motivation and interests. They should, over time – yet as soon as possible, lead the conversation and determine the goals and steps to reach them.

For clients working with multiple agencies, partner agency expectations should be added based on the priority (FST consensus when possible) of the activity.

(LINK to WSPM 1008)


State statute and DPA program policy requires that in the course of the Employability Assessment the client’s need for additional screening and assessment is identified. These issues may include mental health, physical health, domestic violence and literacy. Any need that may impact the client’s ability to go to work and make progress towards self-sufficiency is identified. 

Documentation of the assessment should support the need for additional assessment and that case manager referred the client to community or partner resources as appropriate.


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