DATE:              December 12, 2002


TO:                   All Temporary Assistance Manual Holders


FROM:             Policy & Program Development Team

                          Ellie Fitzjarrald, Chief


SUBJECT:     Temporary Assistance Manual Change #7


This manual change incorporates the new penalty, home visit, and compliance policies that were implemented July 1, 2002.  It also implements new time frames for demonstrating compliance once an individual expresses their intent to comply.


Also included are the changes to the eligibility, need, and shelter allowances effective January 1, 2003, and a number of organizational and technical corrections.


These changes are outlined below.  If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3347, or email us at




Chapter 722 - Job Refusal or Job Quit

Moves policy relating to job quit disqualifications to this chapter.  This policy was previously located in Chapter 723.  Throughout this chapter the word ”penalty” is replaced with ”disqualification” .



Although this material has been moved, and re-written for clarity, no policy has changed and none of the material is marked new.  The re-issuance is noted at the bottom of each page.


Chapter 723 - Penalties

Updates the penalty policy and adds the home visit requirements that are used when an individual does not cooperate with child support, develop or comply with their family self-sufficiency plan, or does not participate in work or self sufficiency activities.  These policy changes were effective July 1, 2002 and information from the broadcasts and policy memoranda issued to implement them are incorporated.


Adds new policy that increases the period of time an individual may be required to participate in an activity when they are penalized for a second or 3rd time.  Before their family’s benefits can be restored, individuals may be required to participate in an activity for up to 10 days for a 2nd non-compliance, and up to 30 days for a 3rd or subsequent non–compliance.  This new policy is effective immediately upon receipt of this manual change.


Chapter 793 - Fraud (new chapter)

Removes policies on fraud and intentional program violation disqualifications from Chapters 792 and 723 and places them in this new chapter.



Although this material has been moved, and re-written for clarity, no policy has changed and none of the material is marked new.  The initial issuance of the chapter is noted at the bottom of each page.


Manual Sections 770-1, 775-4, 775-6, 780-1, and 780-18

Updates the 185% Income Eligibility Standards, Need Standards, maximum shelter allowances, ratable reduction, and the countable income for an SSISupplemental Security Income child.  Each year these standards are adjusted to reflect the cost-of-living percentage increase given to SSISupplemental Security Income recipients.


In addition, the policy in section 780-9 F. on protective payees and penalties is updated, and two typographical errors were corrected in the tables in Chapter 780 listing the regional heating and non-heating utility standards.






Chapter Contents and pages P-1 through P-2

Chapter Contents and pages P-1 through P-6


Chapter Contents and pages Q-1 through Q-24

Chapter Contents and pages Q-1 through Q-18


Pages OO-1 through OO-2

Pages OO-1 through OO-2


Pages PP-3 through PP-8

Pages PP-3 through PP-8


Pages QQ-1 through QQ-10

Pages QQ-1 through QQ-10


Pages QQ-15 through QQ-16

Pages QQ-15 through QQ-16


Pages QQ-21 through QQ-24

Pages QQ-21 through QQ-24


Chapter Contents and pages TT-5 through TT-8

Chapter Contents and pages TT-5 through TT-6



Chapter 793 Contents and pages WW-1 through WW-6