DATE:              March 20, 2002


TO:                   All Alaska Temporary Assistance Manual Holders


FROM:            The Policy and Program Development Team

                          Ellie Fitzjarrald, Chief


SUBJECT:     Temporary Assistance Manual Change #5


This manual change makes a number of revisions to bring our policy manual up-to-date with changes that have occurred over the last few months.


It incorporates the policies for serving incapacitated adults that were implemented December 10, 2001 and updates the eligibility, need, and shelter standards that took effect January 1, 2002.  It also provides a new Table of Contents and Index and includes other clarifications and technical corrections.


These changes are outlined below.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggested improvements, please contact any member of the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3347 or email us at





Chapters 719, Family Self-Sufficiency Plan, and 720, Physical or Mental Inability to Perform Gainful Activity:


Incorporates the new definition of incapacity and the new FSSPFamily Self-Sufficiency Plan requirement for incapacitated adults.  These policy changes were effective with the broadcast and policy memorandum issued December 10, 2001, and included revisions to the Medical Examination and Capacity Form ( TA #10) and dissolution of the Medical Review Team (MRT).


Chapter 735 Employer Based Training


Adds information about the Trial by Hire training option (now named Hire 2000 & 2), and describes the Youth Employment Activities operated under the Workforce Investment Act ( WIA ).


Manual Sections 723-1 B, 770-1, 775-4, 775-6, 780-1, and 780-18


Updates the 185% Income Eligibility Standards, Need Standards, maximum shelter allowances, ratable reduction, penalty amount, and the countable income for an SSISupplemental Security Income child.  Each year these standards are adjusted to reflect the cost-of-living percentage increase given to SSISupplemental Security Income recipients.


Technical Corrections and Clarifications


Manual section 756-1 H, Estimating Beginning and Ending Income, provides additional guidance for estimating income, and expands application of this policy to ongoing cases.


In addition the following corrections are included:







Manual Change Filing Instructions




Table of Contents pages i through xviii

Table of Contents pages i through iv


Chapter Contents and pages M-1 through M-18

Chapter Contents and pages M-1 through M-18


Chapter Contents and pages N-1 through N-4

Chapter Contents and pages N-1 through N-4


Pages Q-3 and Q-4

Pages Q-3 and Q-4


Chapter Contents and pages W-1 through W-4

Chapter Contents and pages W-1 through W-4


Pages II-5 through II-10

Pages II-5 through II-10


Pages JJ-3 through JJ-8

Pages JJ-3 through JJ-8


Pages LL-27 and Ll-28

Pages LL-27 and LL-28


Pages OO-1 and OO-2

Pages OO-1 and OO-2


Pages OO-13 and OO-14

Pages OO-13 and OO-14


Pages PP-3 through PP-8

Pages PP-3 through PP-8


Pages QQ-1 and QQ-2

Pages QQ-1 and QQ-2


Pages QQ-5 through QQ-10

Pages QQ-5 through QQ-10


Pages QQ-23 and QQ-24

Pages QQ-23 and QQ-24


Index pages 1 through 16

 Index pages 1 through 16