DATE:             December 1, 2003


TO:                  All Temporary Assistance Manual Holders


FROM:            Policy & Program Development Team

                         Ellie Fitzjarrald, Chief


SUBJECT:    Temporary Assistance Manual Change #10


Each year the Temporary Assistance income eligibility standards are adjusted by the same percentage as the Cost of Living Allowance ( COLA ) increase in Social Security benefits.  This change in the income eligibility standards causes:





This manual change incorporates the 2004 standards, makes several minor changes to update or clarify policy, and adds new resource and income exemptions for payments made under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act. An updated and expanded Table of Contents is also included.


For consistency between program manuals and ease of use, the 185% and Need standards have been removed from Chapter 775 and placed in the new Addendum 2. The maximum payment standards, utility standards, and maximum shelter allowances will be added to this addendum in future manual changes.


If you have any questions please contact any member of the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3347 or email .




Chapter 753, Exempt Resources


Adds policy to section 753-6 exempting monies retained from Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation payments.


Chapter 757, Exempt Income


Adds policy at section 757-11 exempting Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation payments.


Section 759-6 G, Allowable Costs of Doing Business


Increases the mileage allowance for vehicles that are used for self-employment.


Section 770-1, SSISupplemental Security Income Child Cases


Updates the countable income for an SSISupplemental Security Income child who is included in the assistance unit to $136.


Chapter 775, Income Eligibility


Revises the entire chapter to remove the income eligibility standards and simplify the presentation of policy.


Chapter 780, Payments


Updates the chapter to include the 2004 ratable reduction and the increases to the maximum shelter allowances. The Regional Heating and Non-Heating Utility Standards are also updated, to reflect the changes that went into effect October 1, 2003.


Section 790-1, Change Reporting Requirements


Clarifies that reports of change received within 10 days after the change occurred are considered timely.


Addendum 2, Temporary Assistance Income Standards


Places all income eligibility standards in a single location. Addendum 2 will be expanded in future manual changes to include maximum payment standards, utility standards, and maximum shelter allowances.  This will make the information easier for staff to find and use, and will simplify the annual updates of these standards.







Table of Contents, pages i through iv


Table of Contents, pages i through xxii

Pages FF-5 and FF-6


Pages FF-5 and FF-6

Chapter Contents and pages JJ-5 and JJ-6


Chapter Contents and pages JJ-5 and JJ-6

Pages LL-23 and LL-24


Pages LL-23 and LL-24

Pages OO-1 and OO-2


Pages OO-1 and OO-2

Chapter Contents and pages PP-1 through PP-8


Chapter Contents and pages PP-1 through PP-4

Pages QQ-1 and QQ-2


Pages QQ-1 and QQ-2

Pages QQ-5 through QQ-10


Pages QQ-5 through QQ-10

Pages QQ-21 through QQ-24


Pages QQ-21 through QQ-24

Pages RR-1 and RR-2


Pages RR-1 and RR-2


Addendum 2, pages VV-1 and VV-2