In addition to the periodic review of eligibility, special reviews may be conducted when there is good reason to believe that the information on file is not sufficient to insure that the family is eligible for assistance or that the current payment amount is accurate. At a minimum, a special review consists of:
- Completion of an application;
- An interview;
- Careful desk review by the caseworker of the completeness of verification and documentation of all factors of eligibility not normally subject to change; and
- Obtaining full verification and documentation of all factors subject to change, including the use of collateral contacts and home visits on any factor influencing the decision to require a special review.
The following is a list of circumstances in which a special review may be required:
- Failure to cooperate with a Quality Assurance Review;
- Discovery of one or more required reports of change not reported to DPADivision of Public Assistance by the parent or caretaker;
- Report of several changes at one time, all of which involve extensive verification and call continued eligibility into question;
- A change in ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program policies which affects a number of cases of a certain type, when this change affects or adds a factor eligibility and review procedures would assist the agency and its clients in understanding and complying with the program change;
- When the recipient transfers from one district to another or makes a significant move within a district;
- When a review of the incapacity of a parent or caretaker relative is due and other changes occur simultaneously; or
- Referral from the Fraud Unit, or a report of fraud that merits further review of eligibility.
A special review is treated like a new application. If the recipient fails to submit the review application and cooperate in providing all necessary information, the case is closed.