In most ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program cases, benefit payments will be made to the caretaker relative with whom the eligible children are living, even though the caretaker relative may not be included in the assistance unit.  However, there are certain exceptions:


  1. If the caretaker relative has failed to comply with work activity or CSSDChild Support Services Division cooperation requirements, a protective payee will be established.


  1. An applicant or recipient can ask the caseworker to allow a second person, known as alternate or voluntary payee, to be able to receive and access the ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program benefit.  The parent or caretaker relative must make a signed, written request for an alternate payee.  The caseworker has the right with prudent judgment to refuse such a request.  This is done only for good cause, such as when the proposed payee is known to be unreliable, or is too young to administer the benefit.  Supervisory approval is required on all payee decisions.


  1. ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MSManual Section 780-9 C. below lists persons who cannot serve as protective payees, such as division employees and persons to whom the recipient owes money.  These persons are also prohibited from serving as voluntary payees.


  1. In rare circumstances, an individual may request that the Alaska Quest card be mailed in care of the DPADivision of Public Assistance office.  This may be done if:





Any Alaska Quest card received by a DPADivision of Public Assistance office must be placed under locked controls and security, and the individual must sign a receipt to obtain the card.


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MC #37 (09/12)