It is the caseworker's responsibility to identify these "prior resources." If an individual is potentially eligible for benefits from another program, the individual must be given written notice of the requirement to apply within a specific time period. If there is good cause for the individual's failure to apply (such as illness), the time period may be extended long enough to allow the individual to apply.




An individual who appears eligible for UIBUnempoyment Insurance Benefits, and is not exempt from work activities under ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MSManual Section 730, must be given at least 10 days from the date they are notified in writing to apply for and demonstrate pursuit of UIB.  (See Administrative Procedures MS 123 for the financial criteria used to determine if an individual is eligible for UIBUnempoyment Insurance Benefits.)


Applicants:  If the individual is an applicant, the processing of the application is delayed during the 10-day notice period unless there is good cause for failure to apply and additional time is needed. Assistance is denied if the individual does not apply for and pursue eligibility for UIBUnempoyment Insurance Benefits by the required date, or fails to provide information essential to establish the claim.


Recipients:  If the individual is a recipient, benefits must be continued during the 10-day notice period.   Assistance is terminated, with timely notice, if the individual does not apply for and pursue eligibility for UIBUnempoyment Insurance Benefits by the required date, or fails to provide information essential to establish the claim.


755-4 B.     BENEFIT PROGRAMS OTHER THAN UIBUnempoyment Insurance Benefits  


An individual, whether an applicant or recipient, who appears eligible for benefits other than UIBUnempoyment Insurance Benefits ,  must be given at least 30 days from the date they are notified in writing to apply for and demonstrate pursuit of the benefits.  Applications and benefits will not be delayed during this time period.



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MC #42 (12/13)