ATAP families with a variety of circumstances and challenges may benefit from Families First. Discussion with the individual, review of prior assistance experience and disclosure of challenges may help direct an individual and a case manager into the initial steps of the Families First strategies.


Indications may include but are not limited to:


      • Co-enrollment with multiple DHSS and/or community agencies;


      • Multiple attempts to find employment through Work First and traditional work search activities do not result in employment;


      • Inability to maintain or advance in employment;


      • Multiple household members of work eligible age;


      • Families who have experienced long term medical issues that have limited their participation in work and self-sufficiency activities;


      • Families in which the employable adults are solely responsible for the medical care of another disabled family member; and,


      • Families in which the employment seeker is just reentering the workforce after a prolonged medical or mental health challenge.


732-3 B.     COMPLIANCE


Adult ATAP applicants and recipients participating in Families First are required to develop, sign and comply with a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (FSSP) as per manual section 719-1 Self Sufficiency Planning Requirement, and take part in work activities assigned to them as per chapter 730 Work: Participant in Work Activities.  


Situations in which an adult ATAP applicant or recipient chooses not to participate in Families First activities, or does not engage in Families First activities identified on their FSSP ,  are discussed in manual section 732-3C below.




If an individual does not want to participate in Families First after learning what activities and opportunities Family First may offer them, the Work Services case manager helps them to develop an FSSP that identifies other appropriate activities.


If the individual does not develop an FSSP , the Work Services case manager will make every effort to determine why the individual is refusing to comply or if he/she is unable to comply due to good cause (see manual section 723-1 Good Cause).


If a Families First participant does not engage in Families First activities identified on their FSSP the Work Services case manager will make every effort to determine why the individual is refusing to comply or if he/she is unable to comply due to good cause (see manual section 723-1 Good Cause).  If it is determined that the individual no longer wants to participate in Families First activities the Work Services case manager will update the FSSP with the individual to identify other appropriate activities.



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MC #39 (03/13)