After making a cursory initial assessment of their employability, the case worker assigns the participant to work activities.  The participant’s Plan reflects these assignments.  Participants must be informed in writing of assigned work activities or changes to assigned work activities on either the Plan or a notice of action.  However, issues and assignment of a confidential nature, such as domestic violence, should not be discussed in a notice or other written communication.


The case worker may assign Temporary Assistance applicants who appear job ready to a group Work Search, individual Work Search, or to a Job Readiness activity, and then continue to process the Temporary Assistance application.  Consult the local office manager to determine which Work Search model to use.


The case worker may modify a participant’s assignment to Work Search to ensure it does not interfere with ongoing paid employment or self-initiated training.  The case worker may also schedule such participants for a more in-depth employability assessment to determine if their paid job or self-initiated training will help them attain self-sufficiency.  See the Work: Paid Employment and Work: Vocational Training and Education chapters for the policy on making these determinations.


After the participant completes Work Search, the case worker reviews the most current assessment of their employability.  The case worker then identifies the work activity, or mix of work activities, that leads the participant to paid work and independence from Temporary Assistance in the shortest period of time.   The case worker also ensures the hours of participation also meets participation targets.


When making work activity assignments, the case worker takes into account local employment opportunities and the availability of resources to prepare for those opportunities.  Assignments also must reflect the participant's physical capacities, skills, experiences, health and safety, family responsibilities, supportive service and child care needs, and the location of the participant's residence.  Assignments must not require participants to remain away from home overnight without their consent.


Mandatory participants must continue to take part in assigned work activities until their eligibility for Temporary Assistance ends.  Exempt participants who become unwilling or unable to continue to voluntarily take part in work activities may end their participation at any time.


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