Labor Market Information ( LMI ) is readily available from DPA employment counselors and the Department of Labor.  Regular publications reflect the employment and industry trends in Alaska, including the leading occupations.   LMI identifies the types of jobs available, or likely to become available, in the local area.


Employment counselors routinely review LMI when conducting an Employability Assessment.  Match LMI with the current and specific work experience and skills of the participant.  The match determines if the participant possess skills and experience sought by local employers.  It also determines if the level of the participant's skills and other attributes make them competitive with other local job seekers.  The match helps predict the ease or difficulty the participant may experience when seeking paid work during Work Search.  


Use of LMI also assures that Vocational Training, Education,  and Work Experience activities prepare a participant for likely employment opportunities.  


LMI Sources:


In addition to the Department of Labor's published LMI , other sources offer current local labor and employment trends:



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