For applicants, the job quit/refusal of work disqualification begins:
On the date that suitable employment is refused or voluntarily terminated, if that action occurs prior to the application date and occurs within 60 days of the application.
On the date of application, if the refusal of work or voluntary termination occurs after the date of application but before the application is processed.
When the disqualification period will end within 30 days of the application date, such as when a first job quit disqualification is imposed, the benefit start date may be moved to the date following the end of the job quit disqualification period.
For recipients, the disqualification period begins on the first day of the month following the month in which a timely notice of adverse action is provided to the assistance unit.
For mandatory filing unit (MFU) members, if the disqualified individual is a MFU member, the whole TA household is ineligible for assistance through the assigned disqualification period.
For non-MFU members, if the disqualified individual is not required to be included in the assistance unit, that individual must be removed from the TA household. This action is accomplished by coding the non-MFU member as "DJ" on the WOSA screen and "OU" on the SEPA screen. The income and resources of the disqualified individual are not counted in the eligibility and payment determinations for the remaining members of the TA unit.
If a job quit penalty should have been applied at application but was not
(either because the individual didn’t report the quit or the caseworker
didn’t act on the information correctly), the job quit disqualification
is still imposed upon the TA
unit. The disqualification
begins the first of the month following adverse action.