When a caretaker relative refuses or voluntarily separates from suitable employment without good cause, it is presumed that the family's increased need for assistance is due to the loss of that employment.  However, the caretaker relative must be given the opportunity to rebut this presumption.  The caretaker relative must provide verification if the circumstances appear questionable.


To determine intent, ask the caretaker relative the reason for the refusal or separation from employment.  If they admit their increased need for assistance is because of the refusal or separation, then impose the disqualification and take appropriate action on their case.  


When questionable, consider the following:  What was the client’s life situation and economic health at that time?  Have they recently been denied TATemporary Assistance for excess income?  How have they survived up until this point?  Although these questions are commonly asked during interviews, they can be especially helpful in deciding whether the demonstrated need for assistance is due to refusal of or separation from employment.


If the caretaker relative provides information that supports the rebuttal and shows that the family's increased need for assistance is not due to the separation or refusal of employment, no disqualification applies.



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MC #7 (12/02)