The following procedures apply to all extensions.




The extension decision is based on ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MSManual Section 701-3 and ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MSManual Section 701-4.


The case manager informs the caseworker of the extension recommendation via email and CANOCase Notes.




The caseworker is responsible for the following:

In cases where the caseworker determines documentation is not adequate, they can request additional information from the case manager. If the caseworker believes they have additional information that may change the outcome of the staffing they should contact the case manager. If the decision to allow or deny the extension is not clear the case may be forwarded to DPADivision of Public Assistance Policy and Program Development Unit at hss.dpa.policy@alaska.gov for a final determination.


If an extension is allowed, the caseworker sends a notice to the family notifying them that an extension has been allowed, and enters the extension code and end date in EISEligibility Information System. If the family does not meet extension criteria, caseworker sends a notice to the family notifying them their case will close and takes action to close the case allowing for adverse action.



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MC #59 (07/18)