Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Public Assistance
MANUAL: Alaska Food Stamp Program
DATE: December 1, 2007
The Alaska Food Stamp Manual is now repaginated to enhance the on-line search function. We divided several of the longer pages into shorter pages while still retaining the full policy on one page. This will make the search function more user-friendly.
We corrected policy on scheduling recertification interviews and added the requirement that these interviews should be scheduled so the household has at least 10 days after the interview to provide verification before the certification period ends. We have also added references to federal and state laws and regulations governing the Alaska Food Stamp Program and made some minor technical changes.
Highlights of these policy revisions are described below. If you have any questions please contact the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3347 or email
MS 600 Introduction and Definitions
Adds references to federal and state laws and regulations governing the Alaska Food Stamp Program
MS 604-2C Recertification: Caseworker Actions
Corrects policy on scheduling recertification interviews. Programs rules require the office to schedule the interview so the household has at least 10 days after the interview to provide verification before the certification period ends.
MS 604-2D Recertification: Household Fails to Act
Removes statement indicating the household is required to schedule an interview appointment. Programs rules require the office to schedule the interview.
MS 607-3 Claims
Removes Exception following the first paragraph. The policy on when claims are not established was changed in September 2007 (Transmittal 2007-02). This exception is no longer correct policy.