After an applicant or recipient is determined prospectively eligible for assistance, the APA payment is calculated for the benefit month. The benefit month is the month for which assistance is provided, regardless of when it is paid. For example, APA benefits paid to meet the needs of an individual or couple for the month of April are considered to be for the benefit month of April, even if they are paid in the month of May. To be eligible for assistance, the individual or couple must be eligible for at least a $1.00 APA payment.
452-1 A. APA Adult Public AssistancePAYMENTS TO NON-SSI RECIPIENTS
APA payments to non-SSI recipients are calculated using the APA countable income received or expected to be received in the benefit month.
on 2004 payment standards)
Mr. Smith, an unmarried APA recipient in an independent living arrangement,
expects to receive monthly SSA income of $720 in the month of October.
After the
$20 income exclusion is allowed, Mr. Smith’s expected net countable income
is $700. The
October APA payment is based on the net countable Social Security income
expected to be received in October.
$926 APA
Payment Standard for an Individual,Living Independently
- 700 Net
Countable SSA Income
$226 APA
452-1 B. APA Adult Public AssistancePAYMENTS TO SSI Supplemental Security Income RECIPIENTS
SSI Supplemental Security Income recipients are budgeted differently than non-SSI recipients. APA Adult Public Assistancepayments to SSI Supplemental Security Income recipients are calculated by using the appropriate SSI Supplemental Security Income payment standard for the APA benefit month as the amount of countable income, regardless of the SSI Supplemental Security Income benefit amount. Refer to section 452-2 for budgeting exceptions that apply to SSI Supplemental Security Income recipients.
1: (based
on 2004 payment standards)
An unmarried APA recipient in an independent living arrangement receives
an SSI payment of $400. As
long as the APA recipient receives an SSI payment, the net countable income
used to determine the APA payment is equal to the SSI payment standard
for an individual in an SSI "A" living arrangement.
926 APA
individual, independent living standard
- $ 564 APA
net countable income (SSI individual, "A" living arrangement
=$ 362 APA
2: (based
on 2004 payment standards)
A married couple who are both eligible for APA reside in an independent
living arrangement. Each
member of the couple receives monthly SSI payments. As long as the
couple continues to receive monthly SSI payments, the net countable income
used to determine the APA payment is equal to the SSI payment standard
for an eligible couple in an SSI "A" living arrangement.
APA couple,
both eligible, independent living standard
- $ 846
net countable income (SSI "A' living arrangement standard for an
eligible couple)
=$ 528 APA
If an APA recipient becomes ineligible for an SSI Supplemental Security Income payment because of excess income, but remains income eligible for APA , the APA payment is budgeted according to section 452-1A.
Interim Assistance payments are always based on the income received or expected to be received in the benefit month. The amount of the Interim Assistance payment is $280 to each individual, except for payments to institutionalized individuals. Institutionalized individuals receive an Interim Assistance payment equal to the APA personal needs allowance of $75, less any other countable income.
If both members of a couple are eligible for Interim Assistance, each member of the couple will receive $280, but eligibility will be based on the appropriate couple, both eligible standard.
If one member of a couple is eligible for Interim Assistance and the other member is eligible for regular APA , each member of the couple is budgeted as an individual until Interim Assistance ends. However, the resource limit for a couple applies in these situations.