DATE: December 1, 2003


TO: Adult Public Assistance Manual Holders


FROM: Ellie Fitzjarrald, Chief

Policy and Program Development Team


SUBJECT: Adult Public Assistance Manual Change #7


Each year Adult Public Assistance need and maximum payment standards are adjusted by the same percentage as the cost of living allowance (COLA Cost of Living Allowance) increase in Social Security benefits.  The COLA Cost of Living Allowance adjustment also causes:




This manual change incorporates the 2004 standards, makes several minor changes to update or clarify policy, adds new income and resource exclusions for payments made under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act, and removes policies related to the Alaska Longevity Bonus.  An updated manual index is also included with this change.


For consistency between program manuals and ease of use, the APA need and maximum payment standards, as well as other amounts updated yearly, have been removed from manual chapters and placed in Addendum 1.


Highlights of these policy revisions are described below.  If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3347 or e-mail us at



Old Policy

New Policy


Section 425-1, Definition of Blindness/Disability

Defines substantial gainful activity (SGA Substantial Gainful Activity) and  gives the 2003  monthly SGA Substantial Gainful Activity amount as $800.

Removes the SGA Substantial Gainful Activity amount from this manual section and refers the reader to Addendum 1 for the new SGA Substantial Gainful Activity amount for 2004.


Section 426-2C, Interim Blindness or Disability Determination

Describes the medical screening process for Interim Assistance.

Clarifies that case workers should obtain a completed Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information, form 06-5870, as part of the medical screening process.


432-4S, Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Payments


Adds a new resource exclusion for payments received under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act.

Section 442-2D, Earned Income Exclusion of a Blind or Disabled Student Child

Provides for an earned income exclusion against the earnings of a blind or disabled student child.

Removes the income amounts from the manual section and refers the reader to Addendum 1 for monthly and yearly limits.


Section 442-2I, Work Expenses for the Blind

Gives the mileage allowance permitted under Blind Work Expense earned income exclusion.

Ties the mileage allowance to IRS Internal Revenue Service rates and refers the reader to Addendum 1 for the annual amounts.


Section 442-3A(15), Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation  Payments


Adds a new income exclusion for payments received under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act.


Section 442-3B, Certain Assistance Based on Need

Describes the income exclusion for need-based assistance

Clarifies that payments from the Alaska Senior Assistance program are excluded from income as needs-based assistance.


Section 442-3E, Reserved

Describes the income exclusion for Alaska Longevity Bonus (ALB Alaska Longevity Bonus)payment.

Removes this income exclusion from the manual since the ALB Alaska Longevity Bonus program ended in August 2003.


Section 451, Eligibility Determinations

Provides APA need standards.

Removes manual section 451-3 and refers the reader to Addendum 1 for the APA need standards.


Chapter 452, Payments

Explains the methods used to calculate benefit payments for the APA program.

Adds a description of maximum payment standards and refers the reader to Addendum 1 for the new 2004 APA and SSI Supplemental Security Income standards.  Also updates examples with 2004 need and payment standards, removes policy on special budgeting procedures for SSI Supplemental Security Income/ALB Alaska Longevity Bonus recipients, and reformats the manual section dealing with third party payees.


Section 453, Maximum Payment Standards

Gives the APA and SSI Supplemental Security Income maximum payment standards.

Removes this Chapter from the manual.  APA Adult Public Assistanceand SSI Supplemental Security Income maximum payment standards are now shown in Addendum 1.


Section 480-3, Changes

Explains that changes must be reported within 10 days of the date the change becomes known.

Clarifies that changes reported within 10 days of the date the change actually occurred are considered timely.


Chapter 490, The Alaska Longevity Bonus Hold Harmless (ALB-HH Alaska Longevity Bonus Hold Harmless) Program

Describes the ALB Alaska Longevity Bonus and ALB-HH Alaska Longevity Bonus Hold Harmless programs

Removes this chapter from the manual since the ALB Alaska Longevity Bonus program ended in August 2003.


Addendum 1, Cost of Living Adjustments


Adds Addendum 1 to list the APA need and maximum payment standards, as well as other amounts updated yearly, in a single location.




Manual Change Filing Instructions


Remove Old Pages

Insert New Pages

i through ii (Table of Contents)

i through ii (Table of Contents)

H-1 through H-2

H-1 through H-2

I-5 through I-8

I-5 through I-8

I-17 through I-18

I-17 through I-18

Chapter Contents (Chapter 432)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 432)

L-25 through L-26

L-25 through L-26

Chapter Contents (Chapter 442)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 442)

P-1 through P-4

P-1 through P-4

P-7 through P-8

P-7 through P-8

P-17 through P-22

P-17 through P-22

Chapter Contents (Chapter 451)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 451)

S-1 through S-2

S-1 through S-2

Chapter Contents (Chapter 452)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 452)

T-1 through T-24

T-1 through T-22

Chapter Contents (Chapter 453)


U-1 through U-2


X-3 through X-4

X-3 through X-4

Chapter Contents (Chapter 490)


AA-1 through AA-12



Addendum 1

Old Index

New Index