To be found income eligible for APA , an applicant or recipient must have a total monthly countable income (including countable income of a spouse or alien sponsor) that, after rounding, is equal to or less than the appropriate APA need standard.  Income is rounded up to the nearest whole dollar from $ .50 and rounded down to the nearest whole dollar from $ .49.


The appropriate APA need standard is determined by the applicant's or recipient's living arrangement.  (Refer to section 450 for the policy on living arrangements.  Refer to Addendum 1 for APA need standards.)


Countable income is the amount of income remaining after all possible income allocations and exclusions have been applied to the applicant's or recipient's income, and to the income of the applicant's or recipient's spouse or alien sponsor, if applicable.  (Refer to sections 440, 441, 442, and 443 for APA income-counting policy.  Refer to section 460 for APA financial deeming policy.)



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MC #7 (12/03)