Permanent Fund Dividend ( PFD ) payments are not counted as either income or resources for the APA program. However, the SSI program does consider PFD payments as countable income and resources when determining eligibility and benefit amounts. The Medicaid program also considers PFD payments as countable income in very limited situations, but does not count retained PFD payments as a resource.
The SSI program is not administered by the State of Alaska. However, state law provides for replacement of SSI benefits an individual loses because of receiving or keeping PFD money. The policy below describes the different procedures for SSI applicants and ongoing recipients of SSI benefits.
1. Applications
When SSA opens an applicant's SSI case, the individual's PFD may be counted as income or resources, resulting in ineligibility for SSI.
If SSI benefits are denied or reduced due to PFD income or resources, the caseworker must request a field warrant from System Operations to replace the lost benefits.
Request a warrant to replace lost SSI benefits by contacting the Help Desk and providing the following information:
Clients name and case number;
Benefit month(s) and amount(s) being requested; and
Requests for replacement warrants can be made using automated Help Desk template on the Systems Operations web site.
Lost benefits may exist back to the date of the SSI application, so it is important to remember the PFD hold harmless period cannot exceed four months for each PFD distribution year.
We may also pay these special retroactive hold harmless benefits if SSA denies SSI to a child under age 18 due to the receipt of PFD .
2. Ongoing Cases
For ongoing SSI cases, SSA will continue paying SSI benefits, declaring overpayments when PFD income or resources cause ineligibility.