Individuals who leave Alaska are not eligible to receive APAAdult Public Assistance during their absence, unless the absence is temporary.  A temporary absence is an absence that lasts less than 30 days.  Except for the exceptions listed below, persons who leave Alaska for a vacation, business trip, or other absence of 30 days or longer are not eligible for assistance.


The case worker must either close or suspend the individual's APAAdult Public Assistance case, depending on the length of the absence.  (Refer to section 480-5 for APAAdult Public Assistance suspension and termination policy.)   The individual is not eligible for assistance again until the month he or she returns to Alaska.




An absence of 30 days or longer does not terminate APAAdult Public Assistance eligibility if the absence is for


1. Medical treatment


Persons remain eligible for APAAdult Public Assistance if they leave the State to get prescribed medical treatment that is not available in Alaska, do not establish residency outside the State, and intend to return to Alaska once they complete their medical treatment.   APA recipients shall not be eligible for assistance if they leave Alaska for 30 days or longer to get non-emergency medical treatment that is available in Alaska.


The case worker must advise recipients planning to leave Alaska for medical treatment that the Division of Health Care Services must authorize all out-of-state medical services, unless they are of an emergency nature.  The Division of Health Care Services will not pay for out-of-state, non-emergency medical treatment that is not authorized in advance of departure.


2. Absence Due to Illness


An individual may remain eligible for APAAdult Public Assistance if he or she leaves the state or is prevented from returning to the State within 30 days of leaving the state because of the individual’s own illness, or the illness of the individual’s parent, spouse, sibling, or child.  To remain eligible, the individual must not establish residency outside the State.  In addition, the individual must notify the Division of the reason for the extended absence, provide a supporting statement from a physician, and declare in writing their intent to return to Alaska once the reason for the extended absence ends.


3. Postsecondary education


Persons remain residents of Alaska and are eligible for APAAdult Public Assistance while they are attending postsecondary education outside the State if they do not establish residency outside the State and intend to return to Alaska once their course of study is completed.  It does not matter whether a similar course of study is available in Alaska.


Postsecondary education is enrollment in any course of study recognized as such by the Alaska Department of Education, Postsecondary Education Commission.  


Individuals leaving Alaska to attend post-secondary education must notify the Division of their intent to leave Alaska and must declare in writing their intent to return to Alaska once they complete their education.  Individuals who do not notify the Division of their intended absence before leaving the State are not eligible for assistance.  Continued enrollment and intent to return must be verified at least once each calendar year.  


4. Vocational, professional, or other special education


Individuals may leave Alaska to attend education of this type if comparable education is not readily available in Alaska and the education will last more than 90 days.  These individuals must notify the Division of their intent to leave Alaska and must declare in writing their intent to return to Alaska once they complete their education.  Individuals who do not notify the Division of their intended absence before leaving the State are not eligible for assistance.  




An individual will no longer be eligible for assistance under the exceptions listed above if the individual fails to return to the Alaska within 30 days after the reason for the extended absence ends.  When this happens, ineligibility begins the month following the calendar month the individual fails to return to Alaska on time.



. Jones, an unmarried APAAdult Public Assistance recipient, remains eligible for APAAdult Public Assistance while attending college in another state.  On May 25, she completes her course of study and receives her degree, but fails to return to Alaska within 30 days.  She is ineligible for APAAdult Public Assistance beginning with the month of August.



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MC #22 (7/09)