This section provides information on how to use the Department of Labor (DOL) screens in the DOL system as verification of UIB income when applicants or recipients have already applied and have a determination of eligibility from DOL.  


The caseworker must use verification tools readily available, such as the UIB monetary determination notice or the DOL data screens.  Calls directly to UI Support Unit should be limited to determining the status of a current benefit when the caseworker has conflicting information from the client and what is found on-line.  The Support Unit will only give information on current UIB status, and will not give information about possible eligibility for UIB.


123-3 A.       TALK TO THE CLIENT


The client is always the first source of information. Once they have applied for UIB, find out what they know about their claim.  Ask if they filed or are planning to file for their weekly benefits and if they know of a reason that they will not receive payment.  If the information on the DOL screens supports what the client tells you, no further verification is necessary.


To anticipate UIB income when there is no recent payment history, discuss the potential UIB income with the client to determine if the individual expects to file for and receive the amount shown on the DOL system.  DOL sends the individual information about their UI benefit amount when the DOL establishes the claim, and gives the individual a claimant handbook instructing how to claim UIB payments.  The individual may also have additional information from DOL about the claim’s status.



Caseworkers can also refer to the UI claimant handbook available online at <https://labor.alaska.gov/unemployment/uihandbook.pdf> for more information about receiving UIB payments.


If the individual indicates that they do not expect the full weekly UIB payment or that the payment will be delayed, the DPA worker should ask the individual for verification they have about the situation, such as a notice from DOL.  




The caseworker must check the DOL data system for information regarding UIB income and UIB eligibility related to the Alaska Temporary Assistance, Adult Public Assistance, and Medicaid programs’ development of income requirements.  The system also can be used to verify receipt of UIB for applicants and recipients of all DPA programs.


When an individual applies for UIB, information about the benefit year, balance of benefits on the claim, weekly benefit amount, and duration of benefits will appear on the Claims tab in  DOL's SAM.  


Refer to the SAM User Guide on the DPA SharePoint for additional information about UI Claims.


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2020-03 (12/20)