During special circumstances, clients may have to pick up their Quest card at a Public Assistance office. The practice of using a DPADivision of Public Assistance address for the mailing address is an "exception" to the rule and should only be done on rare occasions. The Eligibility Technician will need to make this request via email to the EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Helpdesk and make a CANOCase Notes entry explaining the reason for the request. The EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Helpdesk will then issue the card and send an email to the Eligibility Technician with the required authorization form titled, "Approval for the Alaska Quest Card to be mailed to a Public Assistance Office."


The DPADivision of Public Assistance office that request the card to be mailed to the DPADivision of Public Assistance office is required to complete the above referenced authorization form when the client comes in to pick up the Quest card. The client must show a picture ID and sign a statement of receipt that is located on the bottom portion of the referenced authorization form. Return the completed authorization form back to the EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Helpdesk and place a copy in the client's file.


Close control on card handling is necessary to help protect staff and DPADivision of Public Assistance from allegation of fraudulent use of client's benefits. Card Issuance staff in Systems Support review the addresses for daily card issuances against local office addresses to ensure this process is being followed. Any questionable card issuance(s) are forwarded to the EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Helpdesk for follow-up. Failure to follow these procedures could cause a delay in the issuance of the client's Quest card and access to their benefits.



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2023-01 (04/23)