Clients that receive their benefits via Quest card and/or Direct Deposit will received their benefits sooner than those that receive warrants.


Clients that receive their benefits via Quest card will have their benefit available to them on the date issued listed on either the FSIH or the TAIH screens in EISEligibility Information System.


Availability of benefits for clients via direct deposit depends on benefit issuance type – Regular Run or Immediate Run.


For Regular Run – benefits will be available to client 2-business days "after" the scheduled Regular Run on the production calendar and is not the date issued listed on the issuance history in EISEligibility Information System.


For Immediate Run – benefits will be available to client 2-business days "after" the "date issued" listed on either of the TAIH, APIH, or GAIH screens in EISEligibility Information System.



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2014-02 (10/14)