Before authorizing cash benefits Eligibility Technicians must check in EISEligibility Information System for "old banking information." The majority of rejected benefits from direct deposits are due to old or incorrect banking information on the EBDD screen in EISEligibility Information System. By the time the EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Helpdesk receives notification from the bank, the client may have already experienced several days delay in receiving their benefits or later learn that the bank confiscated their cash benefits for a debt owed to the bank. This places the client and the agency in a very difficult situation. The EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Specialist can reroute benefits that are rejected, however confiscated benefits cannot be replaced.


If the banking information is no longer valid, the Eligibility Technician should immediately contact the EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Helpdesk by calling or by email. The EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer Specialist will delete the old banking information or update it if a new Direct Deposit Enrollment form has been received.


Email:      DPA_EBT@alaska.gov

Phone:    465-3047

Fax:         465-3651



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2014-02 (10/14)