114-2          PROCEDURES


Quality Assurance reviewers should be assigned to review cases completed by all caseworkers in an office, and for all programs, in a quantity to assure the integrity of individual error rates figures and office performance.  Ideally, this would be 50% of the total cases worked by a caseworker over a given period of time, or 50% of the total cases for a particular program in an office.  As a rule, 10-20% of Quality Assurance effort should go into home visits.


Quality Assurance reviewers may use the Case Review Guidelines booklet as a handy reference tool when completing Quality Assurance reviews.  For each review done, the reviewer completes a Case Review Feedback sheet.  At the end of the day, the feedback sheets are given to the supervisor of the caseworkers involved.


Supervisors will review these feedback sheets and give them to their staff for information and corrective action within two working days.  If a supervisor is absent, the regional manager is responsible for maintaining timely distribution of the feedback sheets.


The supervisor will keep a log indicating cases which have been found to contain eligibility/payment errors and will follow-up to insure timely corrective action.


Quality Assurance reviewers should be encouraged to discuss questions on cases with line staff to insure accurate interpretation of case file information during the review period.


File the feedback sheet in the case record once the case review and any corrective action is complete.



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