For Adult Public Assistance (APAAdult Public Assistance), Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), if the review result is determined not to be within the error threshold, the QAQuality Assessment Reviewer completes the Q-Form documenting the review findings. The QAQuality Assessment Supervisor will upload the review file documents to the QAQuality Assessment SharePoint site to the monthly Corrective Action Planning Spreadsheet (CAPSCorrective Action Planning Spreadsheets) folder. Approximately one week prior to the monthly CAPSCorrective Action Planning Spreadsheets response due date, the QAQuality Assessment Program Officer will email the DPADivision of Public Assistance Leadership and designate staff that the QAQuality Assessment error cases have been uploaded and are ready for their review.


Once notified, caseworkers will follow the process mandated in MS 113-4 Corrective Action Planning Spreadsheet (CAPSCorrective Action Planning Spreadsheets) in responding to the review findings.


For a no-error review finding that is found to need corrective action, the QAQuality Assessment Supervisor will email the designated DOSTDivision Operations Support Team contact. The email will include the information found during the review process that needs to be corrected. The designated DOSTDivision Operations Support Team contact notifies the district office leadership of the case corrections as needed. The Eligibility Team Supervisor follows up on the review to ensure the caseworker takes appropriate action to correct the case.


For child care reviews, the entire review form for both no error and error cases are sent to the Contracted Services Office for distribution. A Child Care meeting with the Child Care grantees is scheduled for the errors pertaining to child care reviews. This meeting is held separately from the other programs CAPSCorrective Action Planning Spreadsheets.


The caseworkers must process claims, restore benefit payments, complete fraud referrals and any other corrections that are necessary to the case in the sample month after the final CAPSCorrective Action Planning Spreadsheets notification email is sent from the QAQuality Assessment Program Officer. Until the email approval to take corrective action is sent to the field, no contact with the household is to be made by caseworkers.



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2020-03 (12/20)