The Quality Assessment (QAQuality Assessment) review provides valuable statistics and information on the agency's performance in delivering benefits. QAQuality Assessment reviews measure:



The QAQuality Assessment review is the primary tool used by staff to develop training initiatives, polices, and techniques that will enhance the delivery of services and benefits to DPADivision of Public Assistance's recipients. For Alaska's Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and Child Care Programs, the QAQuality Assessment review is a federal requirement. For other DPADivision of Public Assistance programs, QAQuality Assessment reviews ensure that policies and procedures meet state laws and achieve the agency's mission.




Two types of reviews are conducted for the Medicaid program: Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control (MEQCMedical Eligibility Quality Control) and PERMPayment Error Rate Measurement. MEQCMedical Eligibility Quality Control is a targeted review of specific services. Through targeted reviews, DPADivision of Public Assistance is able to extract information needed to design effective and efficient Medicaid policies. Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERMPayment Error Rate Measurement) reviews are assigned on a cycle, requiring completion of one year out of every three.




The QAQuality Assessment review provides information about quality of work, clarity of the program's policies, and effectiveness of the procedures in delivering the benefits.




The QAQuality Assessment Reviewers evaluate the effectiveness of the Alaska Temporary Assistance Program's policies and procedures. QAQuality Assessment Reviewers conduct complete case reviews and will contact clients by telephone. The type of information gathered changes depending on the program's performance measures and the focus or desired results of new policies. Yearly, Legislative Audit randomly selects cases from the completed reviews to validate the QAQuality Assessment Reviewer's findings.


113-1 D.      SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)


The Alaska SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Quality Assessment review process is mandated by federal law and is administered by the federal Food and Nutrition Service (FNSFood and Nutrition Service) Quality Control regulations. The QAQuality Assessment review includes all eligibility elements, required documentation, and verifications FNSFood and Nutrition Service closely regulates and monitors the process, verifying that case samples are statistically valid, random, and that completing the review process and the transmission of the review findings are within strict time frames. FNSFood and Nutrition Service randomly selects cases from those transmitted to monitor Alaska's SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program compliance with federal regulations, and to ensure QAQuality Assessment follows the required FNSFood and Nutrition Service review process. Alaska's final SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Program payment accuracy rate is established when the process has been completed for all cases reviewed during the federal fiscal year.




The Child Care review process is a statistically random sampling of authorized cases, by regional office, in accordance with the federal government's Child Care Development Fund requirements. Results from this review process provide confirmation of proper authorizations, and assist Alaska's Child Care Assistance Program with continued improvement of process and procedures.


113-1 F.      OTHER PROJECTS


Often the QAQuality Assessment Unit performs ad-hoc review projects for the Division. These include Site Assessments, Management Evaluations, and case reviews that may target an office, unit, worker, or type of client (an example of this might be reading all SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program cases with members who are commercial fishermen). The QAQuality Assessment Program Officer works directly with leadership or team staff members to define and organize these projects.



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2016-01 (03/16)