Any time an action is taken on a case that affects eligibility and/or information is gathered that is not present in ILINX, a case note in the eligibility system (EISEligibility Information System, ARIESAlaska's Resource for Integrated Eligibility Services, ECOSEnergy Community Online System) is necessary. For tracking purposes, a separate case note is necessary when documenting special circumstances. Staff must include a specific and descriptive title for such case notes. Some examples are:
- Report of Change
- Fair Hearing Requests
- Pre-hearing Conferences
- Fraud Referrals
- Case Correction for CAPSCorrective Action Planning Spreadsheets Errors
- ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program Incapacity Determination
- Drug or Other Felony Convictions
- Unusual Alien situations
- Transfer of Assets and Resources
- Tax Refund
- TLIP Update Request
- Medicaid Trust/LTCLong Term Care
- Spend-down
- LOCLevel of Care, DDSDisability Determination Service, and Comagine Health Determination
- POAPower of Attorney, Guardians, and Payee
- Intentional Program Violation
- Returned Mail
- Cold Calls
Case Review Corrections