During the course of determining eligibility, the caseworker will use prudent methods for gathering information. Only factual information relevant to the determination of eligibility will be sought and entered in the case file. Workers will identify themselves by name, position, and purpose at each public contact. They will not engage in such practices as entering a home by force, without permission, or under false pretenses. Caseworkers will not make home visits during sleeping hours, nor will hey make home visits after working hours unless the applicant or recipient has mutually set an appointment. An appointment for home visits after hours will be made only if a visit during regular office hours is impossible because of circumstances of the applicant or recipient.


When in a client's home, caseworkers will not search any of the rooms, cupboards, or drawers to seek for clues of possible deception. When conducting an interview, caseworkers will, at all times, respect the privacy and dignity of the applicant or recipient.




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