Countable and Excluded Income for ADLTC Medicaid



Type of income Countable for ADLTC 
Adoption payments, subsidized Yes - see APA MS 442-3(F) for additional details
Alaska Native/American Indian Real Property Rental Income Yes - see MS 523 (J) for additional details
American Indian/Alaska Native payments Yes - see APA MS 442-3(A)(8) for additional details
Annuity Payments Yes
Alien Sponsor income Yes - see MS 518 for additional details
Child Support Yes
Census Income Yes
Compensatory payments, court ordered Yes
Contractual Income, such as monthly payments from sale of house Yes
Corporation income from partnerships, estates and S-corporations Yes
Crowdfunding See MS 520(M) for additional details
Death Benefits Yes - see APA MS 441-2(G) for additional details
Disaster and Emergency Assistance provided by states, local governments, or disaster assistance organizations No
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) No
Educational Grants, Awards, Scholarships and Loans issued under any program funded the Title IV of the Higher Education Act or under a Bureau of Indian Affairs student assistance program No
Food Stamp Hold Harmless payment No
Foster Care, including Therapeutic Foster Care and boarding home payments No - see APA MS 442-3(F) for additional details
Gambling and lottery winnings Yes
Garnishments Yes - see APA MS 443-1 for additional details
Individual Indian Money Accounts No - see MS 523(I) for additional details
Inheritances Yes
In-kind support and maintenance Yes - see MS 523(H) for additional details
Loans, including educational, personal and commercial No
Military Entitlements Yes
Missionary Income Yes
Permanent Fund Dividend No
Recoupments Yes
Rental income, including room rental Yes
retirement/pension income Yes
Self-employment income Yes - see APA MS 441-1(E) for additional details
Supplemental Security Income (SSISupplemental Security Income) Yes
Social Security payments, excluding SSISupplemental Security Income Yes
Spousal Support (Alimony) Yes
Tax returns, federal No
Title V of the Older Americans Act, such as MASST See APA MS 442-3(A) for additional details
Trust income Yes
Unemployment benefits (UIBUnemployment Insurance Benefit) Yes
Veterans' retirement paid by the Department of Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) Yes
Veteran Disability Payments Yes
Veterans Survivor benefits Yes
Victims of Crime Compensations No
Volunteer Payments from the corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), such as Senior Corps and AmeriCorp No
Wages, including salaries, bonuses, commissions, tips, overtime, severance, and gratuities.  This includes an SSI recipient's wages Yes
Workers' Compensation Yes


This chart is not comprehensive. For questions regarding income types, please email 



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MC #63 (09/23)